Closed OhBonsai closed 7 years ago
I ran into this too. The issue is that Mesh.raycast uses the original vertex positions from the geometry, which results in triangles of area=0 so they never intersect the ray.
My hackish solution is to override the Mesh's raycast method to temporarily replace the geometry with one whose vertices are transformed outward along the normals in the same way the shader does. I'm not happy that this requires transforming the geometry -- seems to defeat the purpose of doing those transforms shader-side to begin with -- but it's better than nothing. I'd be very interested in helping to find a more elegant solution, if anyone has ideas.
The code:
class Line2DMesh extends THREE.Mesh {
raycast() {
let origGeometry = this.geometry
// Create a temporary clone of the Line2D geometry
let tempGeometry = origGeometry.clone()
let positions = tempGeometry.getAttribute('position')
let normals = tempGeometry.getAttribute('lineNormal')
let miters = tempGeometry.getAttribute('lineMiter')
let thickness = this.material.uniforms.thickness.value
// TODO - Line2D doesn't seem to set BufferArray.count correctly sometimes, need to investigate
let count = positions.array.length / positions.itemSize
// Transform each vertex outward along the normal just as the vertex shader would
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
positions.getX(i) + normals.getX(i) * (thickness / 2) * miters.getX(i),
positions.getY(i) + normals.getY(i) * (thickness / 2) * miters.getX(i)
// Temporarily replace the geometry with our transformed one and invoke the raycaster
this.geometry = tempGeometry
let result = super.raycast(...arguments)
this.geometry = origGeometry
return result
Thanks mate ^_^ I have a solution wroten in ES5 but forget to paste it ... Code in
But it seems like your solution is better @lojjic ??>_<!
THREE Raycaster can't intersect the line when use THREE.Mesh. And get ugly line when you THREE.Line. But the Raycaster is useful. Maybe need rewrite the LineGeometrys' raycaster function extend in THREE.object3D