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Can't get gh2md working locally #39

Open halostatue opened 1 year ago

halostatue commented 1 year ago

I’m trying to play with gh2md and I cannot seem to get it working, but if I recreate the effective GraphQL query and call with curl, I get results and not a 401.

$ GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="$(gh auth token)" gh2md mattduck/gh2md gh2md
[2023-04-20 23:22:46,518] [INFO] Looking for token in envvar GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN
[2023-04-20 23:22:46,518] [INFO] Using token from environment
[2023-04-20 23:22:46,518] [INFO] Initiating fetch for repo: mattduck/gh2md
[2023-04-20 23:22:46,875] [WARNING] Exception response from request attempt 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/austin/.local/pipx/venvs/gh2md/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gh2md/", line 381, in _post
  File "/Users/austin/.local/pipx/venvs/gh2md/lib/python3.11/site-packages/requests/", line 1021, in raise_for_status
    raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:

But the same effective request (verified by modifying the source to output the json on self._post) gives results (I’ve attached the | jq keys at the end to prevent posting a bigger wall of text):

$ curl -H "Authorization: token $(gh auth token)" -X POST -d'{"query": "\n        query(\n          $owner: String!\n          $repo: String!\n          $issuePerPage: Int!\n          $issueNextPageCursor: String\n          $pullRequestPerPage: Int!\n          $pullRequestNextPageCursor: String\n          $issueStates: [IssueState!]\n          $pullRequestStates: [PullRequestState!]\n        ) {\n          rateLimit {\n            limit\n            cost\n            remaining\n            resetAt\n          }\n          repository(owner: $owner, name: $repo) {\n            nameWithOwner\n            url\n            issues(\n              first: $issuePerPage\n              after: $issueNextPageCursor\n              filterBy: { states: $issueStates }\n              orderBy: { field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC }\n            ) {\n              totalCount\n              pageInfo {\n                endCursor\n                hasNextPage\n              }\n              nodes {\n                id\n                number\n                url\n                title\n                body\n                state\n                createdAt\n                author {\n                  login\n                  url\n                  avatarUrl\n                }\n                labels(first: $issuePerPage) {\n                  nodes {\n                    name\n                    url\n                  }\n                }\n                comments(first: $issuePerPage) {\n                  totalCount\n                  pageInfo {\n                    endCursor\n                    hasNextPage\n                  }\n                  nodes {\n                    body\n                    createdAt\n                    url\n                    author {\n                      login\n                      url\n                      avatarUrl\n                    }\n                  }\n                }\n              }\n            }\n            pullRequests(\n              first: $pullRequestPerPage\n              after: $pullRequestNextPageCursor\n              states: $pullRequestStates\n              orderBy: { field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC }\n            ) {\n              totalCount\n              pageInfo {\n                endCursor\n                hasNextPage\n              }\n              nodes {\n                id\n                number\n                url\n                title\n                body\n                state\n                createdAt\n                author {\n                  login\n                  url\n                  avatarUrl\n                }\n                labels(first: $pullRequestPerPage) {\n                  nodes {\n                    name\n                    url\n                  }\n                }\n                comments(first: $pullRequestPerPage) {\n                  totalCount\n                  pageInfo {\n                    endCursor\n                    hasNextPage\n                  }\n                  nodes {\n                    body\n                    createdAt\n                    url\n                    author {\n                      login\n                      url\n                      avatarUrl\n                    }\n                  }\n                }\n              }\n            }\n          }\n        }\n    ", "variables": {"owner": "mattduck", "repo": "gh2md", "issuePerPage": 100, "pullRequestPerPage": 100}' | jq keys

This happens whether I export GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=aRealTokenValue or put it online, or whether I use a token created for testing or whether I use $(gh auth token) to get the token from the gh CLI. I can also pass the same effective request to gh api or curl and get the results that I expect.

I‘ve installed this on macOS under pipx (1.2.0) with Python 3.11.2 as the core interpreter (installed with Homebrew), but I’m not a Python developer, so I’m not sure where to go from here to investigate this issue. Even running it from ~/Library/Python/3.11/bin doesn’t work after using pip3 install --user gh2md.

However, running it in a Docker image (docker run --rm -it -e GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(gh auth token) python:3.11.2 bash, then pip3 install gh2md && gh2md mattduck/gh2md /tmp/test) works.

Any idea why this doesn’t seem to work on macOS, at least for me?