mattelen / vue3-runtime-template

Vue component for compiling templates on the fly using a v-html like API
MIT License
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scoped template and ability to pass available components #16

Open davidmeirlevy opened 1 year ago

davidmeirlevy commented 1 year ago

I thought it can be safer if I make the template as scoped a possible. probably there's still work here, but the idea is to pass the components it should be able to compile, and use only the props given in :template-props={}.

@mattelen what do you say?

mattelen commented 1 year ago

Thanks @davidmeirlevy for spending time on this! I get where you are coming from and I think this is a good idea. I've made some comments on the file - once you've fixed those issues, I'll test the code itself. Thanks

davidmeirlevy commented 1 year ago


don't think I forgot this fix :) I'm already using your library in my project so I have a lot of motivation to do it.

I have some other bugs to fix in my app, and I'll handle this PR too.