mattelen / vue3-runtime-template

Vue component for compiling templates on the fly using a v-html like API
MIT License
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Can it run on Nuxt3? #4

Closed ijpatricio closed 2 years ago

ijpatricio commented 2 years ago

Hello @mattelen

Thanks for this package!! ❤️

I've been using similar in Vue2, and still waiting to upgrade, but that will be now! Hooray!

So, I've made it work in Vue3, no problem!

But in Nuxt 3, which uses Vite, the config will not work, of course. I'm still trying to debug it, hope to learn something along the way...

But if you please consider supporting Nuxt 3 and know the answer, that would be so cool!

I'll let you know if I find the solution! Thanks!! 👍

mattelen commented 2 years ago

Hi @ijpatricio

Thanks for checking out this package. I haven't used Vite yet, and I'm unable to test and debug it with Vite at the moment. Continuing give it a go and let me know how you get on - feel free to open a pull request with the needed changes so then everyone can use it too.

ijpatricio commented 2 years ago

Ok @mattelen , thanks!

I will try to make it work and then come back, of course!

Thank you again!!