Open Love-Sunshine opened 1 year ago
I use RTX 3090, the CUDA is 11.3
Since pytorch>1.7, there has been a redesign of the torch.fft interface. Fourier transform functions such torch.rfft() are now available under different function calls such as torch.fft.rfft(). Here is the documentation. The v2 branch of the torch radon library reflects these changes.
Thanks a lot. When I install the v2, Another problem has occurred. As followed: "torch_radon_cuda" not found. I find that "from torch_radon_cuda import *" is in "", but there is no "", only "".
ffted = torch.rfft(input, 1, onesided=False) to ffted = torch.view_as_real(torch.fft.fft(input, dim=1)) and iffted = torch.irfft(time_step_as_inner, 1, onesided=False) to iffted = torch.fft.irfft(torch.view_as_complex(time_step_as_inner), n=time_step_as_inner.shape[1], dim=1)
Okay, thank you very much. I'll give it a try.
pytorch 1.8.1 has a problm: module ‘torch‘ has no attribute "rfft"