matteocorti / check_ssl_cert

A shell script (that can be used as a Nagios/Icinga plugin) to check an SSL/TLS connection.
GNU General Public License v3.0
360 stars 132 forks source link

Missing OpenSSL 3.2.0 support #488

Closed matteocorti closed 8 months ago

matteocorti commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug

corti@macbookpro check_ssl_cert> ./check_ssl_cert --host --openssl ~/local/bin/openssl 
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given
SSL_CERT CRITICAL Cannot verify certificate: unable to get local issuer certificate|days_chain_elem1=69;20;15;; days_chain_elem2=661;20;15;; days_chain_elem3=311;20;15;; 
matteocorti commented 8 months ago

A first problem:

$ cat ./ | ~/local/bin/openssl x509 -noout -hash 
Warning: Reading certificate from stdin since no -in or -new option is given

That can be solved by

$ cat ./ | ~/local/bin/openssl x509 -noout -hash -in /dev/stdin 