matteocorti / nagios_plugins

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Getting error while running perl MakeFile.PL #104

Closed matteocorti closed 8 years ago

matteocorti commented 8 years ago

Original reporter:


I was searching for the plugin to check RBL listing and found your plugin which seems providing more facility than other available.

I have installed all the prerequisites Perl modules and getting below error while running "perl MakeFile.PL" command.

Writing Makefile for check_rbl Can't locate object method "parse" via package "version" at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/Version/ line 23.

I am not sure what can cause this error. Please suggest from your side.

Regards, Sanjay

matteocorti commented 8 years ago

Original reporter:


it seems an issue with your Perl installation. The module /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/Version/ is looking for a subrouting parse in the package (which also a standard module).

Actually the plugin is just a single script, so if the installation via Makefile is not working you can just manually copy it to the nagios plugins directory. You just have to edit the first line and insert a valid shebang as
