matteocorti / nagios_plugins

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error 10 at 2 depth lookup:certificate has expired OK #134

Closed matteocorti closed 8 years ago

matteocorti commented 8 years ago

Original reporter: anonymous

Hi Team,

I am encountering this error while trying to upload a SSL certificate

(Certificate verification failed (/tmp/nwacrOipz5M: /C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/OU=Root CA/CN=GlobalSign Root CA error 10 at 2 depth lookup:certificate has expired OK)

The expiration looks fine on all the certs and clock is correct.

any thoughts on under what circumstances we might see this error.

Thanks in advance

Regards, Raj

matteocorti commented 8 years ago

Original reporter:


what do you mean by upload?

Are all the certificate in the chain OK? (not only the certificate you are checking but all the certificates in the signing chain)

Version 1.3.4 does not exist. Which version are you using?
