matteodem / meteor-easy-search

Easy-to-use search for Meteor with Blaze Components
MIT License
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subscription using MongoDBEngine #596

Closed daorren closed 7 years ago

daorren commented 7 years ago

The MongoDB engine searches the specified collection directly with MongoDB on the server and uses subscriptions to retrieve reactive data
-- MongoDBEngine

When I use MongoDBEngine, I'm not getting all the data from server side database

Index here only get subscription from its context template, which is the same result when I use MinimongoEngine.

So should I specify which subscription to use? But how?

// indexes.js
export const MessagesIndex = new Index({
  collection: Messages,
  engine: new MongoDBEngine({
  fields: ['content'],

// conversation.html
<template name="conversation">
  {{> messagesSearch}}

// search.html
<template name="messagesSearch">
  {{> EasySearch.Input index=MessagesIndex }}
    {{#EasySearch.Each index=MessagesIndex}}
      <li>Content: {{content}}</li>

  {{> EasySearch.LoadMore index=MessagesIndex}}

  {{#EasySearch.IfNoResults index=MessagesIndex}}
    <div class="no-results">No results found!</div>

// search.js
  MessagesIndex: function () {
    return MessagesIndex;
matteodem commented 7 years ago

did you create the index on both the server and client? the easy search leaderboard example can also give you a hint maybe.