matteodem / meteor-easy-search

Easy-to-use search for Meteor with Blaze Components
MIT License
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limiting the number of returned values #646

Closed meecect closed 2 years ago

meecect commented 4 years ago

I have one index with a defaultSearchOptions: { limit: 10 } set.

Can I increase or decrease the limit on a component basis? I have multiple search boxes using the index and sometimes want to display less results (or more) than the default.

If I can't do it as a configuration of the component, can I do it in my helper function that returns the index?

Or do I need to change the templates subscription function?


matteodem commented 4 years ago

Could you provide me with additional information of your code? There's different ways of going about it.

meecect commented 4 years ago

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Let's say I have a collection of userprofiles. I create an index of these to use with easy-search. It works fine.

I have a site level search component that searches userprofiles, using the out-of-the-box components. As I type, it starts showing me matches. The number of matches returned corresponds to what I have entered in the index config, so let's say it's 10. This limit is set on the index, not on the component.

I then had another part of the site where there are groups and members (members are userprofiles). I built a small interface to make it easy for admins to add members to their group. The interface is another ootb easy-search component to search for members to add.

As the user types a username, easy-search returns the matches, but I realized that returning 10 results here made my interface a little clunky, and I preferred to return just the top 3.

That is when I realized that there was no way to customize (I assume) the limit on a search component basis, only at the index level (as far as i know).

I thought I would have lots of different UI cases where I want to search through a given index and have the results tweaked based on the user interface component and application requirements, but that seems to mean that I may need to build a unique index for each use case.

Is that right? Or is there a way to customize the OOTB components to do simple things like limiting the results? Or should I just build my own components and do it in helpers and such? I am trying to avoid having one collection and then 6 different indexes on it with just slightly different configs.

I have successfully used the getComponentMethods function to override the query for setting things like facets, but I was unsure if I can use the same method to change the number of results returned or if that would screw up the search collection.

(I know this isn't literal code, but I can supply some if needed)

matteodem commented 2 years ago

With component methods you can have a customization that isn't possible with the default components, please check them out and mix and match to your needs: