Closed lauff closed 3 years ago
Is it possible to show the full code?
Thanks for your help, here is the full code.
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Index, MongoDBEngine } from 'meteor/easy:search';
// On Client and Server
export const ContactsIndex = new Index({
collection: Meteor.users,
fields: ['personal02.firstName','personal02.lastName','phonesARRAY','emailsARRAY'],
engine: new MongoDBEngine({
selectorPerField: function (field, searchString) {
function escapeRegExp(string){
return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[@\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string
if (['personal02.firstName','personal02.lastName'].includes(field)) {
let pos = searchString.indexOf(' ');
if (pos !== -1) {
if ('personal02.firstName' === field) {
return {
$and: [
{ 'personal02.firstName': { '$regex' : '^' + escapeRegExp(searchString.substring(0,pos)) + '.*', '$options' : 'i' }},
{ 'personal02.lastName': { '$regex' : '^' + escapeRegExp(searchString.substring(pos+1)) + '.*', '$options' : 'i' }}
if ('personal02.lastName' === field) return;
if ('emailsARRAY' === field) {
return { 'emails': { $elemMatch: { address: { '$regex' : '.*' + escapeRegExp(searchString) + '.*', '$options' : 'i' }}}};
if ('phonesARRAY' === field) {
// return this selector if the phones field is being searched
return { 'address.phones': { $elemMatch: { phone: { '$regex' : '.*' + escapeRegExp(searchString) + '.*', '$options' : 'i' }}}};
// use the default otherwise
return this.defaultConfiguration().selectorPerField(field, searchString);
beforePublish: function (action, doc) {
// might be that the field is already published and it's being modified
doc.displayNameString = doc.displayName();
let age = doc.age();
if (age === null) doc.ageString = '';
else if (age === 0) doc.ageString = '(0 Jahre)';
else if (age === 1) doc.ageString = '(1 Jahr)';
else doc.ageString = `(${age} Jahre)`;
return doc;
fields: function (searchObject, options) {
//console.log('DEBUG 3', searchObject, options);
return {'___NotAvailable___' : 1, 'personal03.birthday': 1}; // dummy to return nothing (besides the calculated displayNameString)
I'll have a look at this next week
Have you already been able to look into this?
Thanks for your help, Markus
I looked into the latest code (unreleased version 2.2.3) and found an undocumented config option ignoreCollectionCheck
for the Index
config object. Setting this to true
resolved the problem.
After upgrading to METEOR@2.3.5 the following
fails with "Match error: Expected particular constructor" on the line with "new Index()"
After replacing the Metor.users collection with a dummy collection it works without an error message:
Remark: I replaced some code by '...' as this did not seem to cause the issue.