matteoredaelli / ebot

Ebot, an Opensource Web Crawler built on top of a nosql database (apache couchdb, riak), AMQP database (rabbitmq), webmachine and mochiweb. Ebot is written in Erlang and it is a very scalable, distribuited and highly configurable web cawler. See wiki pages for more details
GNU General Public License v3.0
330 stars 55 forks source link

AMQP server connection string should be configurable #11

Closed matteoredaelli closed 14 years ago

matteoredaelli commented 14 years ago

now ebot works only with a amqp server running in localhost hostname, user and password should be put in priv/ebot_amqp.conf

matteoredaelli commented 14 years ago

done some days ago

{amqp_params, [ {username , <<"guest">>}, {password , <<"guest">>}, {virtual_host , <<"/">>}, {host , "localhost"}, {channel_max , 0} ]}.