matteoserva / MegaFuse

MEGA client for linux, based on FUSE
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MegaFuse doesn't properly update the system with how much storage is left. #16

Open ShapeShifter499 opened 10 years ago

ShapeShifter499 commented 10 years ago

MegaFuse never updates the system with how much storage is left. This leads to file managers complaining there is only 2mb and that there may not be enough storage when transferring. Is this fixable?

fermuch commented 10 years ago

In nautilus and spacefm, I don't get this warning. It just doesn't care about space left. Which file manager are you using?

matteoserva commented 10 years ago

I am using dolphin (kde). I noticed that strange behavior too. One of my latest patches fixed the low space warning in dolphin but I'm getting the same error with vim. I'm still debugging to see what is the source of this issue. Right now megafuse is lying by telling that there is always enough space left. Mega is about to release their new sdk. Once I ported megafuse to mega sdk 2, I'll add a code that will read how much space is really remaining and hopefully it will fix that issue.

ShapeShifter499 commented 10 years ago

I use XFCE4 and Thunar and I get this issue.

matteoserva commented 10 years ago

ok, please wait until I complete the porting phase, then the problem should disappear

wbogocki commented 9 years ago

Hey, I know it's kinda impertinent to ask since you've already acknowledged the bug and promised to fix it but are we to expect it in the near future? I see the project is not very active while I hoped to use MEGA for my backups which I can't do unless this is fixed as Deja Dup freaks out.

matteoserva commented 9 years ago

I didn't abandon the project. I'm just really busy with my master thesis. I promise I'll fix this.

wbogocki commented 9 years ago

Okay, keep up the good work then and thanks.

XavierTolza commented 8 years ago

What about now? :) I am having the same problem, "df" indicates that the disk is full...

sparomba commented 7 years ago

I get the same error. I was trying to use megafuse in combination with mhddfs (combine two Mega folders/accounts into one local folder). Megafuse is reporting the wrong "space left" values to the system. Because of this, mhddfs will always try to write to the first Mega folder, fails because it's already full, but will never try to use the second Mega folder.

tYYGH commented 7 years ago

Hi! Same as @sparomba : mhddfs needs to know when the remaining space runs low. Is the fix still planned? Either way, thanks for this great software :-)

Edit: If porting to Mega’s new SDK is not possible at the moment, maybe a workaround could be used, by reporting the computed difference between a configurable total space (50MB, for instance) and the used space (see also #37).