matter-labs / bellman

Bellman zkSNARK library for community with Ethereum's BN256 support
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Wrong size in commit_fe? #39

Closed XuyangSong closed 3 years ago

XuyangSong commented 3 years ago

Should it be the element size rather than the fr size?

commit_fe is used as follows, input a fq as parameter.

It has the same size on bn curv, with result 32bytes. It will be different on bls12_381 curv.

shamatar commented 3 years ago

In theory you are right, the length of encoding will not match for BLS12-381, but it can be easily fixed in a backward compatible manner by using &mut Vec<_> instead of &mut [] to serialist an element.

But keep in mind that this transcript implementation was intentionally made Ethereum specific and there is still no support of BLS12-381 in Ethereum, so it is also ok to have a current approach