matter-labs / era-compiler-solidity

Solidity compiler for ZKsync
Apache License 2.0
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Add support for deploy-time linking #102

Open Karrq opened 1 week ago

Karrq commented 1 week ago

🌟 Feature Request

📝 Description

This features request is to port the existing solc support for deploy-time linking into zksolc. solc achieves this by leaving placeholders in the bytecode to be filled in later (via itself or otherwise).

🤔 Rationale

It allows tooling such as foundry and hardhat to deploy libraries in a temporary environment and link them to the contracts in use, without having to recompile everything, greatly improving UX.

📋 Additional Context

This feature request comes from investigating the following issue on foundry-zksync:

hedgar2017 commented 1 week ago

Hey @Karrq, thank you for this request!

We're currently migrating to our new LLVM-based assembler and linker, and will think how to design this properly on our instruction set.