matter-labs / zksolc-bin

Releases of the Solidity compiler for ZKsync
Apache License 2.0
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deploy zbin compiled by zksolc-bin without hardhat plugin #19

Open simonatweb3 opened 3 months ago

simonatweb3 commented 3 months ago

Hi Team,

I'm trying to deploy my smart contract on zksync era, after compile solidity smart contract with zksolc,

    zksolc-macosx-amd64-v1.4.0 -o ./build --overwrite smartcontract.sol --bin

the output is a .zbin file.

My question is , how can I deploy the .zbin file, just as deploy bytecode with create2 as the normal EVM deploy ?

        await wallet.sendTransaction(
                to : ethers.constants.AddressZero,
                data : compiledContract.bytecode,
                gasLimit : 5000000

Since I am not familiar with hardhat,and it's a heavy burden for me to learn it from start, so the below link is not a good guide for me.

simonatweb3 commented 3 months ago

@hedgar2017 Ser, could you please help check?

hedgar2017 commented 2 weeks ago

@MexicanAce @githubdoramon not a compiler issue. Could you transfer it to the proper place?