matterhorn103 / quanstants

Intuitive and unastonishing physical quantities, units, constants, and uncertainties in Python
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Increase immutability of units and quantities #15

Closed matterhorn103 closed 2 months ago

matterhorn103 commented 2 months ago

Steps towards making the objects effectively immutable (true immutability in Python is unachievable and probably undesirable):

This last change seems to have a mild memory hit, which is worth recording here for the future...

Usually, the main advantage of __slots__ is a decrease in memory use. Weirdly, though, the various objects are actually bigger when they have __slots__ instead of __dict__:

Sizes in memory (via `sys.getsizeof()`) with/without slots:

                                With        Without
int                             28 B
decimal.Decimal                104 B

BaseUnit                        72 B        56 B
CompoundUnit                    80 B        56 B
DerivedUnit                     80 B        56 B
PrefixedUnit                    96 B        56 B
Quantity                        56 B        56 B
Quant w/ Uncert                 56 B        56 B
Prefix                          56 B        56 B

Quant w/ Unit from unit_reg     56 B        56 B
Quant w/ CompoundUnit          136 B       112 B

Total all units                ~17.7 kB    ~11.4 kB
(~117 + 87 prefixed)

Note that the above are from Python 3.11; in Python 3.12 it seems that all the objects are only 48 B without slots (but the same with).

When using a pre-defined unit, a quantity is thus basically the same size with or without.

However, since the unit of a quantity is often a compound unit created on creation of the quantity, this makes the effective size of many quantities 21% larger.

At the current size of the units selection, the overall footprint with all units imported is ~50% larger, but since this is so small in absolute terms this is likely nowhere near as important as the memory footprint of quantities.

Given the size of Decimal instances in comparison, the slight memory increase seems unimportant, so for now I will merge the use of slots.

Performance of unit and quantity creation, property access, and arithmetic is ever so slightly improved, with 1-2% savings when using slots.