mattermoran / map_launcher

Flutter plugin for launching maps
MIT License
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On iOS, MapLauncher.installedMaps only returning apple maps #110

Closed cody-fjorge closed 2 years ago

cody-fjorge commented 2 years ago

This was working for a while, but recently only apple maps is being returned from .installedMaps. I have multiple supported map apps installed and have been able to use them in the past, but that is not the case anymore.

mattermoran commented 2 years ago

That's quite strange. So you saying it was fine before but all of a sudden it stops returning any maps other than apple maps? you sure url schemes were not removed from info.plist file? if plist wasn't changed then what is the ios version? what device? can you try to run the example app from this repo and see if also no maps returned? do you actually have any other maps installed on a device (e.g you running on a simulator that only has apple maps)?

cody-fjorge commented 2 years ago

Thank you!! The plist was automatically updated for some test flight stuff and duplicated the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key. This is now resolved.