mattermoran / map_launcher

Flutter plugin for launching maps
MIT License
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Closed AshereLoker closed 1 year ago

AshereLoker commented 1 year ago

Hi, guys. Our team using your package in app and after 29.10 meets google regarding message with follow information:

App Status: Rejected... ...Please remove the use of REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission from your app. We found that your manifest file contains the REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission. Starting September 29, 2022, apps that use this permission will not be able to submit updates for review until they have completed a new sensitive permission declaration. This declaration will be available in Play Console on August 31, 2022. You'll need to declare which permitted functionality your app provides, tell us about a core feature in your app that uses the permission, and provide a video showing its use. You must remove this sensitive permission from your manifest if your app does not use the permitted functionalities, or if you no longer use this permission. To learn more, watch this PolicyBytes video.

So, i try to find out what packages used REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES. Map_launcher was one of this.

Part of my Manifest merge report.

...ADDED from [:map_launcher] ***\build\map_launcher\intermediates\merged_manifest\release\AndroidManifest.xml:24:18-52 uses-permission#android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES...

Yours package one of important thing in app so it's a big trouble to remove from app.

Anyone can help with it?

And I'm sorry, my English not so good.

mattermoran commented 1 year ago

hmm I don't think I'm using that permission though. but I guess it comes from package manager that is used for getting installed apps. you can try to add this in your manifest and see if it still works. if all good I think I could add in the plugin manifest

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES" tools:node="remove" />
AshereLoker commented 1 year ago

K, i try. Thanks you. Give an update after trying.

AshereLoker commented 1 year ago

@mattermoran, hi again.

First of all I want to apologise for the long silence.

Second. Your solution didn't work... but i find something very interesting. Open_file as his unsafe version just a disguise in merge logs behind map_launcher package. So, I change dependency to open_file_safe and all things goes work as they should.

Many thanks for support. And I'm sorry to bother you. It was so simple and stupid solution.

Best regards for your future software development.

And again sorry about your English.

mattermoran commented 1 year ago

No problem at all. Glad it's sorted. I did run into the same issue before with one of the dependencies using that open_file plugin. Adding the remove permission in my apps build.gradle file helped me, strange it didn't work for you. Either way seems that it's sorted so all good. All the best to you too :)