mattermoran / map_launcher

Flutter plugin for launching maps
MIT License
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use the user's default map app somehow (feature request) #138

Closed Megamannen closed 1 year ago

Megamannen commented 1 year ago

You might want to to launch the users default map app.

(That feels like maybe an even more likely use case than a predefined list?)

mattermoran commented 1 year ago

The plugin was initially created to solve the specific need of showing a list of maps but I see your point. Might as well add something like MapType.default For now you can just check the current platform and provide appropriate map type

Megamannen commented 1 year ago

The default map-app is configurable by the user on his phone, like default web browser and so on.

I can choose if I want Google Maps or Here or Waze as a map provider

So just checking if (android) then GoogleMaps doesn't help if that is what you are suggesting?

mattermoran commented 1 year ago

Oh I see. I thought you meant default for a platform. The only way I know for this is to just call the geo:lat,long but for that you don't even need the plugin. The plugin is more for providing extended functionality the maps have to offer

mattermoran commented 1 year ago

Closing as it's outside the scope of this app