mattermost / desktop

Mattermost Desktop application for Windows, Mac and Linux
Apache License 2.0
1.97k stars 793 forks source link

[Bug]: No Sound alert and notification popup on Windows 10/Server 2016 v1607 (pre-creators update) #3044

Open razorbladehnt opened 1 month ago

razorbladehnt commented 1 month ago

Checks before filing an issue

Mattermost Desktop Version


Operating System

Windows server 2016 v1607

Mattermost Server Version


Steps to reproduce

Install Mattermost 5.6.0 or higher on windows server 2016 Send private message or mention person with @ Notification will not show Sound not played

Expected behavior

To show notification and play sound

Observed behavior

No notification or sound

Also under Settings(win+i) >System>Notifications & Actions>Get Notifications From These Senders Mattermost is not listed Mattermost have shortcut in startmenu

Versions 5.5.1 and lower works okay (it uses older version of notifications as described in link below)

Log Output

[2024-05-27 22:19:00.009] [error] Logger Log level set to: info
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.073] [warn]  [Config] app-update.yml does not exist, disabling auto-updates
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.075] [error] Logger Log level set to: debug
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.076] [debug] [App.Config] handleConfigUpdate
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.079] [debug] [App.Utils] handleUpdateMenuEvent
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.080] [debug] [DownloadsManager] hasDownloads
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.080] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.083] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.104] [debug] [App.Config] Config.handleUpdateTheme
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.105] [debug] [Config] set
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.105] [debug] [Config] setMultiple { darkMode: false }
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.106] [verbose] [Config] Saving config data to file...
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.124] [info]  [App.Config] config.autostart has been configured: true
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.130] [debug] [RegistryConfig] There was an error accessing the registry for {
  hive: 'HKCU',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost\\DefaultServerList',
  utf8: true
} x: QUERY command exited with code 1:

ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
    at D (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1417500)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1419861)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (node:internal/child_process:457:11)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at Pipe.<anonymous> (node:net:337:12)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.132] [debug] [RegistryConfig] Trying without UTF-8... {
  hive: 'HKCU',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost\\DefaultServerList'
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.134] [debug] [RegistryConfig] There was an error accessing the registry for {
  hive: 'HKLM',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost\\DefaultServerList',
  utf8: true
} x: QUERY command exited with code 1:

ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
    at D (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1417500)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1419861)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (node:internal/child_process:457:11)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at Pipe.<anonymous> (node:net:337:12)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.135] [debug] [RegistryConfig] Trying without UTF-8... {
  hive: 'HKLM',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost\\DefaultServerList'
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.137] [debug] [App.Config] handleConfigUpdate
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.137] [debug] [MainWindow] Can't send reload-config, will retry
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.139] [debug] [App.Intercom] handleMainWindowIsShown {
  showWelcomeScreen: '[function] ()=>!(Boolean(!1)||m.A.hasServers())',
  showNewServerModal: '[function] ()=>!m.A.hasServers()',
  mainWindow: false
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.140] [debug] [App.Utils] handleUpdateMenuEvent
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.140] [debug] [DownloadsManager] hasDownloads
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.140] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.141] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.152] [info]  [App.Config] config.autostart has been configured: true
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.153] [debug] [RegistryConfig] There was an error accessing the registry for {
  hive: 'HKLM',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost\\DefaultServerList',
  utf8: false
} x: QUERY command exited with code 1:

�訡��: �� 㤠���� ���� 㪠����� ࠧ��� ��� ��ࠬ��� � ॥���.
    at D (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1425158)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1427300)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (node:internal/child_process:457:11)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at Pipe.<anonymous> (node:net:337:12)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.153] [debug] [RegistryConfig] There was an error accessing the registry for {
  hive: 'HKCU',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost\\DefaultServerList',
  utf8: false
} x: QUERY command exited with code 1:

�訡��: �� 㤠���� ���� 㪠����� ࠧ��� ��� ��ࠬ��� � ॥���.
    at D (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1425158)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1427300)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (node:internal/child_process:457:11)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at Pipe.<anonymous> (node:net:337:12)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.167] [debug] [RegistryConfig] There was an error accessing the registry for {
  hive: 'HKCU',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost',
  name: 'EnableServerManagement',
  utf8: true
} x: QUERY command exited with code 1:

ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
    at D (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1417500)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1419861)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
    at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:305:5)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.167] [debug] [RegistryConfig] Trying without UTF-8... {
  hive: 'HKCU',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost',
  name: 'EnableServerManagement'
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.168] [debug] [RegistryConfig] There was an error accessing the registry for {
  hive: 'HKLM',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost',
  name: 'EnableServerManagement',
  utf8: true
} x: QUERY command exited with code 1:

ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
    at D (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1417500)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1419861)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
    at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:305:5)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.169] [debug] [RegistryConfig] Trying without UTF-8... {
  hive: 'HKLM',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost',
  name: 'EnableServerManagement'
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.177] [debug] [RegistryConfig] There was an error accessing the registry for {
  hive: 'HKCU',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost',
  name: 'EnableServerManagement',
  utf8: false
} x: QUERY command exited with code 1:

�訡��: �� 㤠���� ���� 㪠����� ࠧ��� ��� ��ࠬ��� � ॥���.
    at D (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1425158)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1427300)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
    at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:305:5)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.178] [debug] [RegistryConfig] There was an error accessing the registry for {
  hive: 'HKLM',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost',
  name: 'EnableServerManagement',
  utf8: false
} x: QUERY command exited with code 1:

�訡��: �� 㤠���� ���� 㪠����� ࠧ��� ��� ��ࠬ��� � ॥���.
    at D (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1425158)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1427300)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
    at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:305:5)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.191] [debug] [RegistryConfig] There was an error accessing the registry for {
  hive: 'HKLM',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost',
  name: 'EnableAutoUpdater',
  utf8: true
} x: QUERY command exited with code 1:

ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
    at D (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1417500)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1419861)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
    at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:305:5)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.191] [debug] [RegistryConfig] Trying without UTF-8... {
  hive: 'HKLM',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost',
  name: 'EnableAutoUpdater'
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.193] [debug] [RegistryConfig] There was an error accessing the registry for {
  hive: 'HKCU',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost',
  name: 'EnableAutoUpdater',
  utf8: true
} x: QUERY command exited with code 1:

ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
    at D (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1417500)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1419861)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (node:internal/child_process:457:11)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at Pipe.<anonymous> (node:net:337:12)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.193] [debug] [RegistryConfig] Trying without UTF-8... {
  hive: 'HKCU',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost',
  name: 'EnableAutoUpdater'
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.201] [debug] [RegistryConfig] There was an error accessing the registry for {
  hive: 'HKLM',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost',
  name: 'EnableAutoUpdater',
  utf8: false
} x: QUERY command exited with code 1:

�訡��: �� 㤠���� ���� 㪠����� ࠧ��� ��� ��ࠬ��� � ॥���.
    at D (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1425158)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1427300)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
    at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:305:5)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.202] [debug] [RegistryConfig] There was an error accessing the registry for {
  hive: 'HKCU',
  key: '\\Software\\Policies\\Mattermost',
  name: 'EnableAutoUpdater',
  utf8: false
} x: QUERY command exited with code 1:

�訡��: �� 㤠���� ���� 㪠����� ࠧ��� ��� ��ࠬ��� � ॥���.
    at D (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1425158)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Mattermost\Desktop\resources\app.asar\index.js:2:1427300)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:514:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16)
    at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:305:5)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.203] [debug] [Config] loadRegistry { registryData: { servers: [] } }
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.204] [debug] [App.Config] handleConfigUpdate
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.204] [debug] [MainWindow] Can't send reload-config, will retry
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.205] [debug] [App.Intercom] handleMainWindowIsShown {
  showWelcomeScreen: '[function] ()=>!(Boolean(!1)||m.A.hasServers())',
  showNewServerModal: '[function] ()=>!m.A.hasServers()',
  mainWindow: false
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.205] [debug] [App.Utils] handleUpdateMenuEvent
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.205] [debug] [DownloadsManager] hasDownloads
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.206] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.207] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.214] [debug] [ServerManager] [b92d61c5-480e-440...] initialized server
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.214] [debug] [ServerManager] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] initialized view
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.215] [debug] [ServerManager] [d66be73b-543f-42b...] initialized view
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.215] [debug] [ServerManager] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] initialized view
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.218] [info]  [App.Initialize] Autoupgrade disabled: false
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.234] [debug] [App.App] handleAppBrowserWindowCreated
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.246] [debug] [ServerManager] [b92d61c5-480e-440...] getOrderedTabsForServer
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.248] [verbose] [MattermostBrowser...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] View created
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.248] [verbose] [MattermostBrowser...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] Loading
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.249] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] did-start-navigation
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.250] [verbose] [MattermostBrowser...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] View created
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.250] [verbose] [MattermostBrowser...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] Loading
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.251] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] did-start-navigation
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.251] [verbose] [ViewManager] showInitial
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.252] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.252] [debug] [ServerManager] [b92d61c5-480e-440...] getLastActiveTabForServer
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.252] [debug] [ViewManager] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] showById 4ee26b54-f500-40f4-9e54-3450ae181f86
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.253] [debug] [ViewManager] handleReloadConfiguration
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.253] [debug] [ServerManager] [b92d61c5-480e-440...] getOrderedTabsForServer
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.253] [debug] [ViewManager] focusCurrentView
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.253] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.253] [debug] [Config] setServers [
    name: 'sistema-r',
    url: '',
    order: 0,
    lastActiveTab: 0,
    tabs: [
      { name: 'TAB_MESSAGING', order: 0, isOpen: true },
      { name: 'TAB_FOCALBOARD', order: 1 },
      { name: 'TAB_PLAYBOOKS', order: 2, isOpen: true }
] 0
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.254] [verbose] [Config] Saving config data to file...
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.254] [info]  [ServerDropdownView] init
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.255] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.268] [debug] [i18nManager] setLocale ru
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.268] [info]  [i18nManager] Set new language ru
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.268] [debug] [App.Utils] handleUpdateMenuEvent
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.268] [debug] [DownloadsManager] hasDownloads
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.269] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.269] [debug] [ServerManager] [b92d61c5-480e-440...] getOrderedTabsForServer
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.270] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.270] [debug] [App.Intercom] handleMainWindowIsShown {
  showWelcomeScreen: '[function] ()=>!(Boolean(!1)||m.A.hasServers())',
  showNewServerModal: '[function] ()=>!m.A.hasServers()',
  mainWindow: true
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.276] [info]  [App.Config] config.autostart has been configured: true
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.280] [debug] [App.Config] handleConfigUpdate
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.281] [debug] [MainWindow] Can't send reload-config, will retry
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.284] [debug] [App.Intercom] handleMainWindowIsShown {
  showWelcomeScreen: '[function] ()=>!(Boolean(!1)||m.A.hasServers())',
  showNewServerModal: '[function] ()=>!m.A.hasServers()',
  mainWindow: true
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.284] [debug] [App.Utils] handleUpdateMenuEvent
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.285] [debug] [DownloadsManager] hasDownloads
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.285] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.285] [debug] [ServerManager] [b92d61c5-480e-440...] getOrderedTabsForServer
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.286] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.296] [info]  [App.Config] config.autostart has been configured: true
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.459] [debug] [App.Config] handleGetConfiguration
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.467] [debug] [App.Intercom] handleShowOnboardingScreens {
  showWelcomeScreen: false,
  showNewServerModal: false,
  mainWindowIsVisible: false
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.467] [debug] [App.Intercom] handleShowOnboardingScreens {
  showWelcomeScreen: false,
  showNewServerModal: false,
  mainWindowIsVisible: false
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.468] [debug] [ViewManager] handleSetCurrentViewBounds { x: 307, y: 40, width: 1280, height: 800 }
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.469] [debug] [ModalManager] handleResizeModal {
  bounds: { x: 307, y: 40, width: 1280, height: 800 },
  modalQueueLength: 0
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.470] [debug] [ViewManager] focusCurrentView
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.486] [debug] [DownloadsManager] hasDownloads
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.502] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.508] [debug] [ServerManager] [b92d61c5-480e-440...] getOrderedTabsForServer
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.510] [debug] [ServerManager] [b92d61c5-480e-440...] getLastActiveTabForServer
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.613] [debug] [MattermostBrowser...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] handleDidNavigate
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.614] [debug] [MattermostBrowser...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] hide back button
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.623] [debug] [MattermostBrowser...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] handleTitleUpdate Mattermost
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.717] [debug] [MattermostBrowser...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] handleDidNavigate
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.718] [debug] [MattermostBrowser...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] hide back button
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.728] [debug] [MattermostBrowser...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] handleTitleUpdate Mattermost
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.739] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] New API preload initialized (:2)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.827] [verbose] [MattermostBrowser...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] finished loading
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.829] [debug] [ViewManager] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] activateView
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.830] [debug] [ViewManager] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] showById 4ee26b54-f500-40f4-9e54-3450ae181f86
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.832] [debug] [ViewManager] handleReloadConfiguration
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.832] [debug] [ServerManager] [b92d61c5-480e-440...] getOrderedTabsForServer
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.833] [debug] [ViewManager] focusCurrentView
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.833] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.833] [debug] [Config] setServers [
    name: 'sistema-r',
    url: '',
    order: 0,
    lastActiveTab: 0,
    tabs: [
      { name: 'TAB_MESSAGING', order: 0, isOpen: true },
      { name: 'TAB_FOCALBOARD', order: 1 },
      { name: 'TAB_PLAYBOOKS', order: 2, isOpen: true }
] 0
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.834] [verbose] [Config] Saving config data to file...
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.835] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.836] [debug] [ServerManager] [b92d61c5-480e-440...] getOrderedTabsForServer
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.839] [debug] [App.Config] handleConfigUpdate
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.842] [debug] [App.Intercom] handleMainWindowIsShown {
  showWelcomeScreen: '[function] ()=>!(Boolean(!1)||m.A.hasServers())',
  showNewServerModal: '[function] ()=>!m.A.hasServers()',
  mainWindow: true
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.843] [debug] [App.Intercom] handleShowOnboardingScreens {
  showWelcomeScreen: false,
  showNewServerModal: false,
  mainWindowIsVisible: true
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.843] [debug] [App.Utils] handleUpdateMenuEvent
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.843] [debug] [DownloadsManager] hasDownloads
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.843] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.844] [debug] [ServerManager] [b92d61c5-480e-440...] getOrderedTabsForServer
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.846] [debug] [ServerManager] getOrderedServers
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.856] [debug] [App.Config] handleGetConfiguration
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.857] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] New API preload initialized (:2)
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.858] [info]  [App.Config] config.autostart has been configured: true
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.940] [verbose] [MattermostBrowser...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] finished loading
[2024-05-27 22:19:00.942] [debug] [ViewManager] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] activateView
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.048] [debug] [ViewManager] handleBrowserHistoryPush 3 /sistema-r/channels/qfi9hmc91fygicr5c13cgrkwdy__w9bfukub5tdi8c1x5eapx83cbe
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.048] [debug] [ServerManager] [b92d61c5-480e-440...] getOrderedTabsForServer
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.049] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] did-start-navigation
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.056] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] Loading plugin com.mattermost.calls, version 0.26.2 (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.057] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] Loading plugin com.mattermost.nps, version 1.3.3 (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.057] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] Loading plugin playbooks, version 1.39.3 (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.089] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] Loaded plugin com.mattermost.nps, version 1.3.3 (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.138] [debug] [App.Config] handleGetConfiguration
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.148] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] com.mattermost.calls: registering desktopAPI.onOpenScreenShareModal (com.mattermost.calls_4a52f7f3f9417400_bundle.js:2)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.148] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] com.mattermost.calls: registering desktopAPI.onJoinCallRequest (com.mattermost.calls_4a52f7f3f9417400_bundle.js:2)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.148] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] com.mattermost.calls: registering desktopAPI.onCallsError (com.mattermost.calls_4a52f7f3f9417400_bundle.js:2)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.149] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] Loaded plugin com.mattermost.calls, version 0.26.2 (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.173] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] Loading plugin com.mattermost.calls, version 0.26.2 (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.174] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] Loading plugin com.mattermost.nps, version 1.3.3 (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.174] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] Loading plugin playbooks, version 1.39.3 (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.205] [debug] [App.Config] handleGetConfiguration
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.215] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] Loaded plugin playbooks, version 1.39.3 (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.219] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] com.mattermost.calls: loading translations file for locale 'ru' (com.mattermost.calls_4a52f7f3f9417400_bundle.js:2)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.228] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] Loaded plugin com.mattermost.nps, version 1.3.3 (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.262] [debug] [App.Initialize] UserActivityMonitor.on(status) { userIsActive: true, idleTime: 0, isSystemEvent: false }
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.277] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] com.mattermost.calls: registering desktopAPI.onOpenScreenShareModal (com.mattermost.calls_4a52f7f3f9417400_bundle.js:2)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.278] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] com.mattermost.calls: registering desktopAPI.onJoinCallRequest (com.mattermost.calls_4a52f7f3f9417400_bundle.js:2)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.279] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] com.mattermost.calls: registering desktopAPI.onCallsError (com.mattermost.calls_4a52f7f3f9417400_bundle.js:2)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.279] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] Loaded plugin com.mattermost.calls, version 0.26.2 (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.281] [debug] [App.Config] handleGetConfiguration
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.321] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] Initializing or re-initializing WebSocket (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.322] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] websocket connecting to wss:// (2698.308b09ff8722f787e7fd.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.324] [debug] [ViewManager] handleAppLoggedIn 3
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.324] [debug] [App.Utils] flushCookiesStore
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.367] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] Loaded plugin playbooks, version 1.39.3 (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.371] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] com.mattermost.calls: loading translations file for locale 'ru' (com.mattermost.calls_4a52f7f3f9417400_bundle.js:2)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.457] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] did-start-navigation
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.457] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] Initializing or re-initializing WebSocket (8055.1c42559cb09e1a1dae57.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.458] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] websocket connecting to wss:// (2698.308b09ff8722f787e7fd.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.459] [debug] [ViewManager] handleAppLoggedIn 4
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.460] [debug] [App.Utils] flushCookiesStore
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.474] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] got connection id  bphihnyuui8k5f6mok4ob6jxic (2698.308b09ff8722f787e7fd.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.487] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] did-start-navigation
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.549] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] [renderer] got connection id  h7j37oc9bt8umq6bm5i97usber (2698.308b09ff8722f787e7fd.js:1)
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.603] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] did-start-navigation
[2024-05-27 22:19:01.604] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] did-start-navigation
[2024-05-27 22:19:04.830] [verbose] [MattermostBrowser...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] timeout expired will show the browserview
[2024-05-27 22:19:04.830] [debug] [ViewManager] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] finishLoading
[2024-05-27 22:19:04.830] [debug] [ViewManager] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] showById 4ee26b54-f500-40f4-9e54-3450ae181f86
[2024-05-27 22:19:04.943] [verbose] [MattermostBrowser...] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] timeout expired will show the browserview
[2024-05-27 22:19:04.943] [debug] [ViewManager] [8d7b9ec0-0347-40b...] [sistema-r] [TAB_PLAYBOOKS] finishLoading
[2024-05-27 22:19:05.254] [debug] [LoadingScreen] handleLoadingScreenAnimationFinished
[2024-05-27 22:19:06.400] [debug] [ViewManager] handleSetCurrentViewBounds { x: 307, y: 40, width: 1280, height: 800 }
[2024-05-27 22:19:06.401] [debug] [ModalManager] handleResizeModal {
  bounds: { x: 307, y: 40, width: 1280, height: 800 },
  modalQueueLength: 0
[2024-05-27 22:19:12.498] [debug] [App.Intercom] handleMentionNotification {
  title: '@m.novitskiy',
  body: '@m.novitskiy: @testtest  123123123',
  teamId: '',
  url: '/sistema-r/channels/qfi9hmc91fygicr5c13cgrkwdy__w9bfukub5tdi8c1x5eapx83cbe',
  silent: false,
  soundName: 'Down'
[2024-05-27 22:19:12.499] [debug] [Notifications] displayMention {
  title: '@m.novitskiy',
  body: '@m.novitskiy: @testtest  123123123',
  teamId: '',
  url: '/sistema-r/channels/qfi9hmc91fygicr5c13cgrkwdy__w9bfukub5tdi8c1x5eapx83cbe',
  silent: false,
  soundName: 'Down'
[2024-05-27 22:19:12.514] [debug] [App.Intercom] handleMentionNotification {
  title: 'Личное сообщение',
  body: '@m.novitskiy: @testtest  123123123',
  channelId: 'giho7f5ympfq8p5t9cmb74s4ur',
  teamId: '',
  url: '/sistema-r/channels/qfi9hmc91fygicr5c13cgrkwdy__w9bfukub5tdi8c1x5eapx83cbe',
  silent: false,
  soundName: 'Down'
[2024-05-27 22:19:12.514] [debug] [Notifications] displayMention {
  title: 'Личное сообщение',
  body: '@m.novitskiy: @testtest  123123123',
  channelId: 'giho7f5ympfq8p5t9cmb74s4ur',
  teamId: '',
  url: '/sistema-r/channels/qfi9hmc91fygicr5c13cgrkwdy__w9bfukub5tdi8c1x5eapx83cbe',
  silent: false,
  soundName: 'Down'
[2024-05-27 22:19:12.515] [debug] [PermissionsManager] doPermissionRequest notifications { requestingUrl: '', isMainFrame: false }
[2024-05-27 22:19:16.249] [debug] [ViewManager] handleSetCurrentViewBounds { x: 307, y: 40, width: 1280, height: 800 }
[2024-05-27 22:19:16.249] [debug] [ModalManager] handleResizeModal {
  bounds: { x: 307, y: 40, width: 1280, height: 800 },
  modalQueueLength: 0
[2024-05-27 22:19:16.250] [debug] [ViewManager] focusCurrentView
[2024-05-27 22:19:17.470] [debug] [ViewManager] handleSetCurrentViewBounds { x: 307, y: 40, width: 1280, height: 800 }
[2024-05-27 22:19:17.471] [debug] [ModalManager] handleResizeModal {
  bounds: { x: 307, y: 40, width: 1280, height: 800 },
  modalQueueLength: 0
[2024-05-27 22:19:18.725] [debug] [App.App] handleAppBeforeQuit
[2024-05-27 22:19:18.727] [debug] [App.Utils] flushCookiesStore
[2024-05-27 22:19:18.727] [debug] [MainWindow] onClose
[2024-05-27 22:19:18.733] [verbose] [MainWindow] main window closed
[2024-05-27 22:19:18.736] [debug] [WebContentsEventM...] [4ee26b54-f500-40f...] [sistema-r] [TAB_MESSAGING] [renderer] websocket closed (2698.308b09ff8722f787e7fd.js:1)

Additional Information

Similar issue with GitHub desktop and windows server 2016

devinbinnie commented 1 month ago

@razorbladehnt So this is not a widespread issue with our Desktop App, as I can't reproduce this and I think it works for most people. Notifications are often a bit finicky so there are some things we can sort out to see if anything is blocking them.

1) Can you confirm that you receive notifications via the browser if you access the app from there? If not, it's likely a system-wide issue with notifications (they might be disabled, or you may have Focus mode on) 2) If other apps work, did you accept the prompt that allows notifications? I see that you are getting that prompt here: [2024-05-27 22:19:12.515] [debug] [PermissionsManager] doPermissionRequest notifications { requestingUrl: '', isMainFrame: false } so the application is receiving the events accordingly. 3) Do you have a shortcut in the start menu for Mattermost? It should be added there by default but if removed, sometimes notification on Windows don't work, this repo has a quick explaination about it: 4) The older version of Server 2016 might also pose an issue, since 1607 while supported by MS had some issues with notifications. Are you able to try on a newer Windows 10/11 installation?

Let me know if you have questions about these troubleshooting items.

razorbladehnt commented 1 month ago

I understand that this issue is quite unique and i'm not expecting quick fix but i thought i should make a ticket to document this

  1. Notifications from browser work fine
  2. I allowed notifications to be shown
  3. I have shortcut in start menu
  4. Old version of windows is definitely the root of the problem Works fine on Windows Server 2019 v1809 (installed on VM)

Check this post i think it explained well why notification would not be shown Its a different app but the problem are the same

Also found a similar issue but on Windows 10 v1607

devinbinnie commented 1 month ago

Appreciate the quick feedback! So it looks like we'd have to make some changes to support 1607 specifically, which would likely mean some kind of custom notification format. I'm not sure if Electron provides anything to that effect, but if not then custom would be the way to go.

I can't see this being worked on anytime soon internally, but I'm going to open this as Help Wanted in case anyone wanted to take this on. As for the other ticket, I'll close in favour of this one since this one has some extra information as to why this is happening.

Thanks for raising the issue and helping to provide helpful feedback :)

fragpit commented 1 month ago

Don't know if it's related or not, but I got same for macOS, no notifications since update to 5.8.0 (app store) Tried 5.7.0 from github, and it was okay. Then tried 5.8.0 from github and again no notifications. Icon not bouncing, pop not appearing. Only red badge is shown.

devinbinnie commented 1 month ago

Don't know if it's related or not, but I got same for macOS, no notifications since update to 5.8.0 (app store) Tried 5.7.0 from github, and it was okay. Then tried 5.8.0 from github and again no notifications. Icon not bouncing, pop not appearing. Only red badge is shown.

This is unrelated, this ticket is about the missing Notification API in older versions of Windows 10.

gmcinalli commented 1 month ago

Don't know if it's related or not, but I got same for macOS, no notifications since update to 5.8.0 (app store) Tried 5.7.0 from github, and it was okay. Then tried 5.8.0 from github and again no notifications. Icon not bouncing, pop not appearing. Only red badge is shown.

Read in #3052.