mattermost / docker

Install Mattermost server via Docker
Apache License 2.0
323 stars 199 forks source link

nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate "/cert.pem" #64

Closed R8s6 closed 2 years ago

R8s6 commented 2 years ago


I have the following errors running sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.nginx.yml up -d:

/ /docker-entrypoint.d/ is not empty, will attempt to perform configuration
/ Looking for shell scripts in /docker-entrypoint.d/
/ Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/ info: can not modify /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf (read-only file system?)
/ Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/
/ Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/
/ Configuration complete; ready for start up
nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate "/cert.pem": PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX() failed (SSL: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE)

It appears that the ngnix docker is looking for /cert.pem, which I cannot provide, as in my network, the SSL is terminated at the gateway level by a reverse proxy (pfsense ACME with Let's Encrypt + HAProxy).

However, that pfsense HAProxy is only a reverse proxy, I still need a ngnix server for serving mattermost in http mode, right?

If so, how to run the ngnix docker in http mode only, without it looking for cert.pem or key-no-password.pem (or ignoring the errors if these .pem files don't exist)?


# Domain of service

# Container settings
## Timezone inside the containers. The value needs to be in the form 'Europe/Berlin'.
## A list of these tz database names can be looked up at Wikipedia

# Postgres settings
## Documentation for this image and available settings can be found on
## Please keep in mind this will create a superuser and it's recommended to use a less privileged
## user to connect to the database.
## A guide on how to change the database user to a nonsuperuser can be found in docs/


# Nginx
## The nginx container will use a configuration found at the NGINX_MATTERMOST_CONFIG. The config aims
## to be secure and uses a catch-all server vhost which will work out-of-the-box. For additional settings
## or changes ones can edit it or provide another config. Important note: inside the container, nginx sources
## every config file inside */etc/nginx/conf.d* ending with a *.conf* file extension.

## Inside the container the uid and gid is 101. The folder owner can be set with
## `sudo chown -R 101:101 ./nginx` if needed.

## The folder containing server blocks and any additional config to nginx.conf


## Exposed ports to the host. Inside the container 80 and 443 will be used

# Mattermost settings
## Inside the container the uid and gid is 2000. The folder owner can be set with
## `sudo chown -R 2000:2000 ./volumes/app/mattermost`.

## This will be 'mattermost-enterprise-edition' or 'mattermost-team-edition' based on the version of Mattermost you're installing.

## Make Mattermost container readonly. This interferes with the regeneration of root.html inside the container. Only use
## it if you know what you're doing.
## See

## The app port is only relevant for using Mattermost without the nginx container as reverse proxy. This is not meant
## to be used with the internal HTTP server exposed but rather in case one wants to host several services on one host
## or for using it behind another existing reverse proxy.

## Configuration settings for Mattermost. Documentation on the variables and the settings itself can be found at
## Keep in mind that variables set here will take precedence over the same setting in config.json. This includes
## the system console as well and settings set with env variables will be greyed out.

## Below one can find necessary settings to spin up the Mattermost container

## Example settings (any additional setting added here also needs to be introduced in the docker-compose.yml)


version: "2.4"

      - mattermost
    container_name: nginx_mattermost
    image: nginx:${NGINX_IMAGE_TAG}
    restart: ${RESTART_POLICY}
      - no-new-privileges:true
    pids_limit: 100
    read_only: true
      - /var/run
      - /var/cache
      - /var/log/nginx
      - ${NGINX_CONFIG_PATH}:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro
      - ${NGINX_DHPARAMS_FILE}:/dhparams4096.pem
      - ${CERT_PATH}:/cert.pem:ro
      - ${KEY_PATH}:/key.pem:ro
      - shared-webroot:/usr/share/nginx/html
      # When you want to use SSO with GitLab, you have to add the cert pki chain of GitLab inside Alpine
      # to avoid Token request failed: certificate signed by unknown authority 
      # (link: and
      # - ${GITLAB_PKI_CHAIN_PATH}:/etc/ssl/certs/pki_chain.pem:ro
      # timezone inside container
      - TZ
      #- ${HTTPS_PORT}:443
      - ${HTTP_PORT}:80

# Shared volume for Let's Encrypt certificate renewal with a webroot
    name: shared-webroot

# This network name is being used for Let's Encrypt certificate renewal
    name: mattermost


    "ServiceSettings": {
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        "ConnectionSecurity": "",
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        "TLSKeyFile": "",
        "TLSMinVer": "1.2",
        "TLSStrictTransport": false,
        "TLSStrictTransportMaxAge": 63072000,
        "TLSOverwriteCiphers": [],
        "UseLetsEncrypt": false,
        "LetsEncryptCertificateCacheFile": "./config/letsencrypt.cache",
        "Forward80To443": false,
        "TrustedProxyIPHeader": [
        "ReadTimeout": 300,
        "WriteTimeout": 300,
        "IdleTimeout": 60,
        "MaximumLoginAttempts": 10,
        "GoroutineHealthThreshold": -1,
        "EnableOAuthServiceProvider": false,
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        "ImageProxyOptions": "",
        "EnableAPITeamDeletion": false,
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        "ExperimentalEnableHardenedMode": false,
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        "DisableBotsWhenOwnerIsDeactivated": true,
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        "EnableSVGs": true,
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        "EnableLocalMode": false,
        "LocalModeSocketLocation": "/var/tmp/mattermost_local.socket",
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        "SplitKey": "",
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    "SqlSettings": {
        "DriverName": "postgres",
        "DataSource": "postgres://mmuser:mostest@localhost/mattermost_test?sslmode=disable\u0026connect_timeout=10",
        "DataSourceReplicas": [],
        "DataSourceSearchReplicas": [],
        "MaxIdleConns": 20,
        "ConnMaxLifetimeMilliseconds": 3600000,
        "ConnMaxIdleTimeMilliseconds": 300000,
        "MaxOpenConns": 300,
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        "ReplicaLagSettings": []
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        "FileLevel": "INFO",
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        "FileLocation": "",
        "EnableWebhookDebugging": true,
        "EnableDiagnostics": true,
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        "AdvancedLoggingConfig": ""
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        "FileEnabled": false,
        "FileName": "",
        "FileMaxSizeMB": 100,
        "FileMaxAgeDays": 0,
        "FileMaxBackups": 0,
        "FileCompress": false,
        "FileMaxQueueSize": 1000,
        "AdvancedLoggingConfig": ""
    "NotificationLogSettings": {
        "EnableConsole": true,
        "ConsoleLevel": "DEBUG",
        "ConsoleJson": true,
        "EnableColor": false,
        "EnableFile": true,
        "FileLevel": "INFO",
        "FileJson": true,
        "FileLocation": "",
        "AdvancedLoggingConfig": ""
    "PasswordSettings": {
        "MinimumLength": 10,
        "Lowercase": true,
        "Number": true,
        "Uppercase": true,
        "Symbol": true
    "FileSettings": {
        "EnableFileAttachments": true,
        "EnableMobileUpload": true,
        "EnableMobileDownload": true,
        "MaxFileSize": 104857600,
        "DriverName": "local",
        "Directory": "./data/",
        "EnablePublicLink": false,
        "ExtractContent": true,
        "ArchiveRecursion": false,
        "PublicLinkSalt": "yucprtr7jbpgu33mb3j4q1eixagrtrjz",
        "InitialFont": "nunito-bold.ttf",
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        "AmazonS3SecretAccessKey": "",
        "AmazonS3Bucket": "",
        "AmazonS3PathPrefix": "",
        "AmazonS3Region": "",
        "AmazonS3Endpoint": "",
        "AmazonS3SSL": true,
        "AmazonS3SignV2": false,
        "AmazonS3SSE": false,
        "AmazonS3Trace": false
    "EmailSettings": {
        "EnableSignUpWithEmail": true,
        "EnableSignInWithEmail": true,
        "EnableSignInWithUsername": true,
        "SendEmailNotifications": true,
        "UseChannelInEmailNotifications": false,
        "RequireEmailVerification": false,
        "FeedbackName": "",
        "FeedbackEmail": "",
        "ReplyToAddress": "",
        "FeedbackOrganization": "",
        "EnableSMTPAuth": false,
        "SMTPUsername": "",
        "SMTPPassword": "",
        "SMTPServer": "localhost",
        "SMTPPort": "10025",
        "SMTPServerTimeout": 10,
        "ConnectionSecurity": "",
        "SendPushNotifications": false,
        "PushNotificationServer": "",
        "PushNotificationContents": "full",
        "PushNotificationBuffer": 1000,
        "EnableEmailBatching": false,
        "EmailBatchingBufferSize": 256,
        "EmailBatchingInterval": 30,
        "EnablePreviewModeBanner": true,
        "SkipServerCertificateVerification": false,
        "EmailNotificationContentsType": "full",
        "LoginButtonColor": "#0000",
        "LoginButtonBorderColor": "#2389D7",
        "LoginButtonTextColor": "#2389D7"
    "RateLimitSettings": {
        "Enable": false,
        "PerSec": 10,
        "MaxBurst": 100,
        "MemoryStoreSize": 10000,
        "VaryByRemoteAddr": true,
        "VaryByUser": false,
        "VaryByHeader": ""
    "PrivacySettings": {
        "ShowEmailAddress": true,
        "ShowFullName": true
    "SupportSettings": {
        "TermsOfServiceLink": "",
        "PrivacyPolicyLink": "",
        "AboutLink": "",
        "HelpLink": "",
        "ReportAProblemLink": "",
        "SupportEmail": "",
        "CustomTermsOfServiceEnabled": false,
        "CustomTermsOfServiceReAcceptancePeriod": 365,
        "EnableAskCommunityLink": true
    "AnnouncementSettings": {
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        "BannerText": "",
        "BannerColor": "#f2a93b",
        "BannerTextColor": "#333333",
        "AllowBannerDismissal": true,
        "AdminNoticesEnabled": true,
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        "NoticesURL": "",
        "NoticesFetchFrequency": 3600,
        "NoticesSkipCache": false
    "ThemeSettings": {
        "EnableThemeSelection": true,
        "DefaultTheme": "default",
        "AllowCustomThemes": true,
        "AllowedThemes": []
    "GitLabSettings": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Secret": "",
        "Id": "",
        "Scope": "",
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        "TokenEndpoint": "",
        "UserApiEndpoint": "",
        "DiscoveryEndpoint": "",
        "ButtonText": "",
        "ButtonColor": ""
    "GoogleSettings": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Secret": "",
        "Id": "",
        "Scope": "profile email",
        "AuthEndpoint": "",
        "TokenEndpoint": "",
        "UserApiEndpoint": ",emailAddresses,nicknames,metadata",
        "DiscoveryEndpoint": "",
        "ButtonText": "",
        "ButtonColor": ""
    "Office365Settings": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Secret": "",
        "Id": "",
        "Scope": "User.Read",
        "AuthEndpoint": "",
        "TokenEndpoint": "",
        "UserApiEndpoint": "",
        "DiscoveryEndpoint": "",
        "DirectoryId": ""
    "OpenIdSettings": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Secret": "",
        "Id": "",
        "Scope": "profile openid email",
        "AuthEndpoint": "",
        "TokenEndpoint": "",
        "UserApiEndpoint": "",
        "DiscoveryEndpoint": "",
        "ButtonText": "",
        "ButtonColor": "#145DBF"
    "LdapSettings": {
        "Enable": false,
        "EnableSync": false,
        "LdapServer": "",
        "LdapPort": 389,
        "ConnectionSecurity": "",
        "BaseDN": "",
        "BindUsername": "",
        "BindPassword": "",
        "UserFilter": "",
        "GroupFilter": "",
        "GuestFilter": "",
        "EnableAdminFilter": false,
        "AdminFilter": "",
        "GroupDisplayNameAttribute": "",
        "GroupIdAttribute": "",
        "FirstNameAttribute": "",
        "LastNameAttribute": "",
        "EmailAttribute": "",
        "UsernameAttribute": "",
        "NicknameAttribute": "",
        "IdAttribute": "",
        "PositionAttribute": "",
        "LoginIdAttribute": "",
        "PictureAttribute": "",
        "SyncIntervalMinutes": 60,
        "SkipCertificateVerification": false,
        "PublicCertificateFile": "",
        "PrivateKeyFile": "",
        "QueryTimeout": 60,
        "MaxPageSize": 0,
        "LoginFieldName": "",
        "LoginButtonColor": "#0000",
        "LoginButtonBorderColor": "#2389D7",
        "LoginButtonTextColor": "#2389D7",
        "Trace": false
    "ComplianceSettings": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Directory": "./data/",
        "EnableDaily": false,
        "BatchSize": 30000
    "LocalizationSettings": {
        "DefaultServerLocale": "en",
        "DefaultClientLocale": "en",
        "AvailableLocales": ""
    "SamlSettings": {
        "Enable": false,
        "EnableSyncWithLdap": false,
        "EnableSyncWithLdapIncludeAuth": false,
        "IgnoreGuestsLdapSync": false,
        "Verify": true,
        "Encrypt": true,
        "SignRequest": false,
        "IdpUrl": "",
        "IdpDescriptorUrl": "",
        "IdpMetadataUrl": "",
        "ServiceProviderIdentifier": "",
        "AssertionConsumerServiceURL": "",
        "SignatureAlgorithm": "RSAwithSHA1",
        "CanonicalAlgorithm": "Canonical1.0",
        "ScopingIDPProviderId": "",
        "ScopingIDPName": "",
        "IdpCertificateFile": "",
        "PublicCertificateFile": "",
        "PrivateKeyFile": "",
        "IdAttribute": "",
        "GuestAttribute": "",
        "EnableAdminAttribute": false,
        "AdminAttribute": "",
        "FirstNameAttribute": "",
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        "EmailAttribute": "",
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        "NicknameAttribute": "",
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        "LoginButtonTextColor": "#ffffff"
    "NativeAppSettings": {
        "AppCustomURLSchemes": [
        "AppDownloadLink": "",
        "AndroidAppDownloadLink": "",
        "IosAppDownloadLink": ""
    "ClusterSettings": {
        "Enable": false,
        "ClusterName": "",
        "OverrideHostname": "",
        "NetworkInterface": "",
        "BindAddress": "",
        "AdvertiseAddress": "",
        "UseIpAddress": true,
        "UseExperimentalGossip": true,
        "EnableGossipCompression": true,
        "EnableExperimentalGossipEncryption": false,
        "ReadOnlyConfig": true,
        "GossipPort": 8074,
        "StreamingPort": 8075,
        "MaxIdleConns": 100,
        "MaxIdleConnsPerHost": 128,
        "IdleConnTimeoutMilliseconds": 90000
    "MetricsSettings": {
        "Enable": false,
        "BlockProfileRate": 0,
        "ListenAddress": ":8067"
    "ExperimentalSettings": {
        "ClientSideCertEnable": false,
        "ClientSideCertCheck": "secondary",
        "EnableClickToReply": false,
        "LinkMetadataTimeoutMilliseconds": 5000,
        "RestrictSystemAdmin": false,
        "UseNewSAMLLibrary": false,
        "CloudUserLimit": 0,
        "CloudBilling": false,
        "EnableSharedChannels": false,
        "EnableRemoteClusterService": false
    "AnalyticsSettings": {
        "MaxUsersForStatistics": 2500
    "ElasticsearchSettings": {
        "ConnectionUrl": "http://localhost:9200",
        "Username": "elastic",
        "Password": "changeme",
        "EnableIndexing": false,
        "EnableSearching": false,
        "EnableAutocomplete": false,
        "Sniff": true,
        "PostIndexReplicas": 1,
        "PostIndexShards": 1,
        "ChannelIndexReplicas": 1,
        "ChannelIndexShards": 1,
        "UserIndexReplicas": 1,
        "UserIndexShards": 1,
        "AggregatePostsAfterDays": 365,
        "PostsAggregatorJobStartTime": "03:00",
        "IndexPrefix": "",
        "LiveIndexingBatchSize": 1,
        "BulkIndexingTimeWindowSeconds": 3600,
        "RequestTimeoutSeconds": 30,
        "SkipTLSVerification": false,
        "Trace": ""
    "BleveSettings": {
        "IndexDir": "",
        "EnableIndexing": false,
        "EnableSearching": false,
        "EnableAutocomplete": false,
        "BulkIndexingTimeWindowSeconds": 3600
    "DataRetentionSettings": {
        "EnableMessageDeletion": false,
        "EnableFileDeletion": false,
        "MessageRetentionDays": 365,
        "FileRetentionDays": 365,
        "DeletionJobStartTime": "02:00"
    "MessageExportSettings": {
        "EnableExport": false,
        "ExportFormat": "actiance",
        "DailyRunTime": "01:00",
        "ExportFromTimestamp": 0,
        "BatchSize": 10000,
        "DownloadExportResults": false,
        "GlobalRelaySettings": {
            "CustomerType": "A9",
            "SmtpUsername": "",
            "SmtpPassword": "",
            "EmailAddress": "",
            "SMTPServerTimeout": 1800
    "JobSettings": {
        "RunJobs": true,
        "RunScheduler": true
    "PluginSettings": {
        "Enable": true,
        "EnableUploads": false,
        "AllowInsecureDownloadUrl": false,
        "EnableHealthCheck": true,
        "Directory": "./plugins",
        "ClientDirectory": "./client/plugins",
        "Plugins": {},
        "PluginStates": {
            "com.mattermost.nps": {
                "Enable": true
        "EnableMarketplace": true,
        "EnableRemoteMarketplace": true,
        "AutomaticPrepackagedPlugins": true,
        "RequirePluginSignature": false,
        "MarketplaceUrl": "",
        "SignaturePublicKeyFiles": []
    "DisplaySettings": {
        "CustomUrlSchemes": [],
        "ExperimentalTimezone": true
    "GuestAccountsSettings": {
        "Enable": false,
        "AllowEmailAccounts": true,
        "EnforceMultifactorAuthentication": false,
        "RestrictCreationToDomains": ""
    "ImageProxySettings": {
        "Enable": false,
        "ImageProxyType": "local",
        "RemoteImageProxyURL": "",
        "RemoteImageProxyOptions": ""
    "CloudSettings": {
        "CWSUrl": "",
        "CWSAPIUrl": ""
    "ImportSettings": {
        "Directory": "./import",
        "RetentionDays": 30
    "ExportSettings": {
        "Directory": "./export",
        "RetentionDays": 30
cobenash commented 2 years ago

I think you should use letsencrypt instead if you don't have cert.pem file.

use the following code in env file.

R8s6 commented 2 years ago


The letsencrypt cert is obtained at the gateway (pfSense) as well.

The gateway does these:

So I need mattermost to run in http mode only, and the traffic looks like this:

client <--- via Internet with https ---> pfSense gateway <--- via LAN with http --> docker

For example, say i have 2 domains:

The gateway obtains/renews LE certs, sees some traffic for, terminates ssl, and uses HAProxy to direct traffic to (mattermost in http mode).

Similarly, when it sees traffic for, it directs traffic to Container B at

As my last resort, if mattermost docker has to terminates https at its end, I think pfsense's haproxy still can direct traffic correctly, but my setup will be slightly more inconsistent (as I'll lose pfSense as the central place to manage all LE certs); so I'd greatly appreciate it if the ngnix docker could serve in http mode only (like it did with mattermost-docker).

Thanks a lot!

cobenash commented 2 years ago

I think Nginx is also another reverse proxy service for the current structure.

I guess you could try docker-compose.without-nginx.yml and use pfSense gateway both serve http and https mode.

R8s6 commented 2 years ago

Oh sorry I didn't realize the ngnix docker only serves as a reverse proxy here; so using docker-compose.without-nginx.yml works perfectly now. Thank you so much!

Case closed.

Just for documenting the process, i did these: