mattermost / focalboard

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Feature Idea: make tags work in playbook checklists #4740

Open MMUserAtBoeing opened 1 year ago

MMUserAtBoeing commented 1 year ago


Within a playbook run, when a tag is used in any of :

  1. Checklist title
  2. Task title
  3. Task description

Users will be able to click the tag to see tagged messages in right sidebar

How important this is to me and why

One of the shortcomings of playbook runs is the inability to trace (both ways) between checklists/tasks and related messages in an associated channel. Enabling tags would be a "low-hanging-fruit" way to allow playbook run participants to jump to messages related to a checklist/task with one click to get up-to-speed on the related discussion.

Why aren't threads enough?

  1. Threads are easily broken if playbook run participants fail to use Reply even once. And reconnecting messages to a thread is difficult. Tags would make it much easier to bring messages under a checklist/task for easy reference.
  2. Connecting a thread to a task can occur through a message link in the task description, but it requires creation of a message for the head of the thread that contains some textual reference to the checklist/task for context (e.g. I've used numbering schemes on checklists+tasks to provide reference IDs). Getting to messages associated with the checklist/task is a two-step process: click on thread head message link and then click on message or replies icon to see thread. Using tags allows users to get to messages related to checklist/task in one click, and would not require creation of a thread head message, so checklist/task tags could be set in the playbook itself, or at least before any messages related to the checklist/task are created.

Importance: High

Use cases:

  1. Using playbook runs to structure discussions and provide two-way links between messages and related checklists/tasks.

Additional context/similar features

Any examples of good implementations of this capability.

MMUserAtBoeing commented 1 year ago

Apologies: I just posted this enhancement based on where the a link took me - this may belong over in the playbooks project.