mattermost / focalboard

Focalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana.
20.67k stars 1.81k forks source link

Bug: Application crash when following steps outlined in the documentation "Personal server setup guide". #4956

Open hadi-salheb opened 6 months ago

hadi-salheb commented 6 months ago

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Install all prerequisites defined here
  2. Clone the repository, checkout master branch
  3. Lunch the server, following 'Set up VS Code'
  4. See error:
    2023/12/16 10:39:56 readConfigFile
    2023/12/16 10:39:56 {ServerRoot:http://localhost:8000 Port:8000 DBType:sqlite3 DBConfigString:./focalboard.db?_busy_timeout=5000 DBTablePrefix: UseSSL:false SecureCookie:false WebPath:./webapp/pack FilesDriver:local FilesS3Config:{AccessKeyID: SecretAccessKey: Bucket: PathPrefix: Region: Endpoint: SSL:false SignV2:false SSE:false Trace:false Timeout:0} FilesPath:./files MaxFileSize:0 Telemetry:true TelemetryID: PrometheusAddress::9092 WebhookUpdate:[] Secret: SessionExpireTime:2592000 SessionRefreshTime:18000 LocalOnly:false EnableLocalMode:true LocalModeSocketLocation:/var/tmp/focalboard_local.socket EnablePublicSharedBoards:false FeatureFlags:map[] EnableDataRetention:false DataRetentionDays:0 TeammateNameDisplay:username ShowEmailAddress:false ShowFullName:false AuthMode:native LoggingCfgFile: LoggingCfgJSON: AuditCfgFile: AuditCfgJSON: NotifyFreqCardSeconds:0 NotifyFreqBoardSeconds:0}

info [2023-12-16 10:39:56.561 +11:00] Focalboard server caller="model/version.go:62" version=7.11.4 edition= build_number= build_date= build_hash= error [2023-12-16 10:39:56.561 +11:00] connectDatabase failed caller="server/server.go:214" error="sql: unknown driver "sqlite3" (forgotten import?)"

## Edition and Platform

 - Edition: Focalboard personal server setup
 - Version: Latest (master)
 - OS: windows 10

## Comment
Should the [documentation]( be updated to include any missing steps?
