mattermost / focalboard

Focalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana.
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Feature Idea: Search box "clear" button #4966

Open JedMeister opened 5 months ago

JedMeister commented 5 months ago


I often find myself searching for a couple of different cards in quick succession and a constant friction that I notice is having to remove the existing text when I do an alternate search. It would be nice if the search box had a clear button, that I could click to both bring focus to the search box and clear the existing search query. Here's an example of my suggestion/request:

Currently: screenshot

With a search clear button: screenshot-clear

Obviously there are workarounds e.g. <Ctrl>-<a> to select all text, then start typing (when focus is already in the search bar), or if focus is elsewhere, then <Ctrl>-<f> will achieve the same ends. But this inconsistency is part of my friction. I can't just do a consistent single action to clear the search box.

Another workaround with the mouse is to select all search text and start typing, but that involves getting the selection right, which requires more thought and/or mouse accuracy than say, clicking a button :grimacing: .

How important this is to me and why

Importance: Medium to Low (annoyance)

Additional context/similar features

IME a search "clear" button is common and almost ubiquitous, anywhere a search box is found. E.g. google search.

I suspect that the implementation would be relatively trivial and I'd potentially be open to having a go myself. However, I don't really know go or typescript/javascript (beyond the very basic basics - and I suspect the latter would be required, possibly the former too?). I'm familiar with a number of other languages, so I'm sure I could fudge my way through it and at least string together a PoC. But without some pointers on where I should start, it feels pretty overwhelming...

Plus there's also the issue that even if I do the work and implement this myself, now focalboard is "community supported", it's unclear when or even if it would get merged?!