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Relation to Docker Hub image mattermost-team-edition #404

Open anton-johansson opened 5 years ago

anton-johansson commented 5 years ago


Maybe a weird question, but how is this repsoitory related to the following Docker Hub image:

One would think that the Docker Hub image comes from this repository, but I see a lot of diffs in the actual image when running the container.

For example, the /mattermost directory is owned by root, but this repository has the ownership changed to mattermost (which is desirable of course!).

EugenMayer commented 5 years ago

@anton-johansson the mattermost-team-edition image is an entire different build and it does not work the way you would bootstrap this image. see yourself using docker history mattermost/mattermost-team-edition

i have created a simpler boilerplate at and did publish the images under

E.g right now with the latest 5.13.2 build, see the tags