mattermost / mattermost-plugin-ai

Mattermost Copilot plugin supporting multiple LLMs
Apache License 2.0
137 stars 31 forks source link

🐛 bug: Incorrect response when asking AI to summarize a thread with a link #217

Open matthewbirtch opened 4 months ago

matthewbirtch commented 4 months ago


When asking Copilot to summarize a thread by sharing a permalink to a thread, I get an error message. I'm told there was a security issue with allowing thread lookup via links.

However, the error message I get from the bot is:

It looks like I can't access the contents of the thread you've linked since it's within a Direct Message. Could you please provide more context or details outside of a DM setting? This will allow me to assist you more effectively.

The thread was not within a Direct Message though. It's in a public channel.

It also seems odd from a UX perspective that the permalink preview shows in my message, but the bot can't seem to access the thread to summarize it.
