Open ylluminate opened 2 months ago
Hey @ylluminate, thanks for opening this issue. I also read your discussion with @cwarnermm in -- we really appreciate your interest and feedback about the project. We discussed this idea and think it's an interesting idea to explore. That said, there are features in our current roadmap that we need first (like AI-enhanced search with a vector database, and the ability for Copilot to query across other plugins) in order to do this. When we start experimenting with this idea, we can return to this issue to share progress.
In the meantime, if there are any related examples of this kind of chatbot (or tools to make one) that you've seen elsewhere, it would be interesting to learn about them.
Hi Andrew, I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I thought my intention was more well stated than it was. I'll try to state it directly:
I believe that an intermediary / preliminary option would be to simply train OpenAI's custom GPT tool on the Mattermost documentation and perhaps issues/forum contents (the documentation would be most direct, but the forum info could also be dumped since Discourse can facilitate this):
Please pardon my sharing the above, I'm sure that this is rudimentary for you, but I thought I would share it simply to be clear on my intention.
I think this low-bar entry point could facilitate a higher quality method to data-mine / get answers for many folks that might facilitate more direct and clearer answers. Additionally, when people ask about help, a link to this custom bot could be an option in Mattermost, on the forums, in issues, or otherwise as a point of reference to those who might have ChatGPT subscriptions, etc.
using the assistants api is a better approach as it encompasses custom gpt prompts with also vector store and function capabilities. See my #249 249 for a simple project that is using the api to create a simple chat interface.
@cwarnermm asked that I generate this issue ( here as she thought it would be more appropriate (I thought it was more appropriate there since it was for general documentation and I was considering it as being a custom ChatGPT chat bot opportunity):
Please implement a ChatGPT or other chatbot that ingests the entirety of source and can have conversations on how to perform Mattermost tasks and facilitates definitive answers readily. It would be quite useful to have such a chatbot to be able to get authoritative answers on how to accomplish various tasks vs resorting to forums and search since often times these other options cannot compose or synergizes information in a way that makes sense in some contexts.