mattermost / mattermost-plugin-google-calendar

Mattermost Google Calendar Plugin
33 stars 31 forks source link

Release 1.1.0 #70

Closed fmartingr closed 3 months ago

fmartingr commented 4 months ago


Ticket Link

esarafianou commented 4 months ago

@fmartingr can we get 2 dev reviews before the security one?

fmartingr commented 4 months ago


There are some recent changes in that I would like to see in here (like the logs command), but that is not a blocker.

Can you open an issue with the missing changes so I can keep track of it? I already updated some stuff from mscalendar. Maybe we can create a command to update common files automatically?

hanzei commented 4 months ago

Sure, created

fmartingr commented 4 months ago

@esarafianou Dev reviews are done.