matterport / Mask_RCNN

Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
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Can you train for keypoint detection? #2

Open rujiao opened 6 years ago

rujiao commented 6 years ago

Hi @waleedka : Thanks for the great work! Is it possible to train for keypoint detection? Sorry for the wrong title of the issue, I can't correct it.

waleedka commented 6 years ago

Key point detection is not implemented in this release but it should be easy to do if you want to try it. Simply change the mask head to use cross entropy loss rather than binary cross entropy and extend the Dataset class to load a dataset that includes key points.

rujiao commented 6 years ago

@waleedka: Thanks a lot for your rapid reply. I will try keypoint detection. Todos: 1) The number of generated masks in each ROI equals the number of keypoints, instead of the class number. 2) In comparison to instance segmentation, all masks contribute to the loss 3) Loss function for one mask: Cross-entropy loss over softmax of all pixels in one mask, instead of binary cross entropy, as you mentioned

Could you guide me a little bit where (in which files) to add the code. I am reading your code ... :)

waleedka commented 6 years ago

I think most of your changes will be in

Which dataset are you going to be using?

rujiao commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much @waleedka . I will train my own data but in the same format as COCO. By the way, could you tell me why did you do "...=np.where(m >= 128, 1, 0)" both in minimize_mask and expand_mask? In minimize_mask, you may convert the data type to boolean, since the data type in mini_mask is boolean, but why 128? In expand_mask, m from mini_mask is already boolean, doing " mask[y1:y2, x1:x2, i] = np.where(m >= 128, 1, 0)", all the elements would be 0. My understanding is definitely somehow wrong. Can you help me understand it correctly?

waleedka commented 6 years ago

The function scipy.misc.imresize() always returns pixel values as integers in the range 0-255.

taewookim commented 6 years ago

@waleedka: Is it possible to train on custom datasets that have only bounding boxes, but no segmentation?

Mmm let me rephrase. I've seen object detection models based on ResNet101, but for some reason, this is better. I'd like to use this one for doing object detection on dataset that does not have image seg.

1) do you recommend any repos that are just as accurate as this one when it comes to detection? 2) Is it possible to train on custom datasets that have bounding boxes only?

My dataset isn't huge like COCO. 5 classes, 4 images each per class = 2k images.

waleedka commented 6 years ago

@taewookim You'll need to change the same places as in the change for key point detection, but rather then modify the mask branch and loss, you'd instead remove them completely. See my comment above about which functions to modify.

Alternatively, for a quicker hack that would be okay if your dataset is small and the extra processing load of the mask branch is not an issue, you could simply have your Dataset.load_mask() function return rectangular masks. For example, if your bounding box is from (10, 10) to (50, 50), then let load_mask() return a mask where everywhere is zero except the area (10, 10) to (50, 50) which is ones. The network will use those masks to generate the bounding boxes, and train as usual. The mask branch will learn to return rectangular masks, and you'd simply ignore them.

In terms of accuracy, you should expect to get similar accuracy to other object detection frameworks built on the Faster RCNN architecture because the basic building blocks are the same.

Another related point. If your dataset is small, you could use resnet50 instead of resnet101 to make training faster. A discussion about that is at issue

liu6381810 commented 6 years ago

@waleedka Hi thanks for your great work!!

Now I want to predict human keypoint using your code

But I have a few questions:

The input mask ground truth for segmentation is [batch, img_height, img_width , num_instances] As for keypoint detection, from the author's papers

For each of the K keypoints of an instance, the training target is a one-hot m × m binary mask where only a single pixel is labeled as foreground

So the input should be [batch, img_height, img_width, keypoint_num * num_instances] If we change the input to this, I think there may be some problem in DetectionTargetLayer (514 line in

Also some problem with line 531 - 539 because the mask is only 1 point set to 1 but after crop, resize, round it may have more than 1 point set to 1 so maybe we need to just set the point with max value to 1

You said we just to change build_fpn_mask_graph and mrcnn_mask_loss_graph, so could you please be more precise and concrete? I would appreciate it if you can give me any advice. Thanks a lot!

My naive thought is: We just ignore the gt_mask, I mean we just don't change this, and when calculate loss, I just judge which keypoint is in the proposal and where it is. Then we use the softmax cross-entropy loss

waleedka commented 6 years ago

You said we just to change build_fpn_mask_graph and mrcnn_mask_loss_graph, so could you please be more precise and concrete? I would appreciate it if you can give me any advice. Thanks a lot!

I said most of the changes are in those functions, but didn't meant that these are the only places to touch. It's been a long time since I read the paper so I'm afraid I can't give you a precise and concrete list of places to change. But I'm happy to help answer questions or review any changes you make and offer feedback.

I think your intuition is correct about adding a new head for key points. You can use the mask code as a template and modify as necessary.

MaeThird commented 6 years ago

I used 0 or 1 to mark the mask but after several epochs I found the mask was not as excepted .After the mini-mask process all 1 had been changed to 0! for i in range(mask.shape[-1]): m = mask[:, :, i] y1, x1, y2, x2 = bbox[i][:4] m = m[y1:y2, x1:x2] m = scipy.misc.imresize(m.astype(float), mini_shape, interp='bilinear') mini_mask[:, :, i] = np.where(m >= 128, 1, 0) return mini_mask mini

liu6381810 commented 6 years ago

@waleedka Hi Thanks for your reply. I have tried to modified the code to predict keypoint Now it seems the training can work But I have a problem now When I got rois, target_masks, target_class_ids from DetectionTargetLayer I just want to use the positive rois to the keypoint detection head Because just positive rois contribute to the loss So I write the Cut layer

` class Cut(KE.Layer):

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    super(Cut, self).__init__(**kwargs)

def call(self, inputs):

    rois = inputs[0]
    target_class_ids = inputs[1]
    target_mask = inputs[2]

    return [rois[:,:25,:],target_class_ids[:,:25],target_mask[:,:25,:,:]]

def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
    return [
        (None, config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, 4),
        (None, config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE),
        (None, config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, config.PART_NUMS ,3)


def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None):
    return [None, None, None]

positive_rois, positive_target_class_ids, positive_target_mask = Cut()([rois, target_class_ids,     target_mask])


Then When I use the mode.fitgenerator(...) I got the error: Input to reshape is a tensor with 5017600 values, but the requested shape requires a multiple of 25690112 Node: tower_1_1/mask_rcnn/mrcnn_mask_bn1/Reshape_1 = Reshape[T=DT_FLOAT, Tshape=DT_INT32, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:1"](tower_1_1/mask_rcnn/mrcnn_mask_bn1/batchnorm/add_1, tower_1_1/mask_rcnn/mrcnn_mask_conv1/Reshape_1/shape) Node: tower_0_1/mask_rcnn/roi_align_classifier/strided_slice_8/_20037 = _Recv[client_terminated=false, recv_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0", send_device_incarnation=1, tensor_name="edge_13861_tower_0_1/mask_rcnn/roi_align_classifier/strided_slice_8", tensor_type=DT_INT32, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"()

it seems the error occurs at build_fpn_mask_graph which I changed to:

` def build_fpn_mask_graph(rois, feature_maps, image_shape, pool_size, num_classes):

x = PyramidROIAlign([pool_size, pool_size], image_shape,
                    name="roi_align_mask")([rois] + feature_maps)

for i in range(8):

    x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(512, (3, 3), padding="same"),

    x = KL.TimeDistributed(BatchNorm(axis=3),
    x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)

#remove activation
x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2DTranspose(config.PART_NUMS, (2,2), strides=2),

x = BilinearUPSampling()(x)

return x`

So do you think any problem about the Cut layer?

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

I would like to ask, what would be the loss function for Human Pose estimation, I have the tensor in the flowing configuration: target_masks: [batch, num_rois, height, width, num_parts]. target_class_ids: [batch, num_rois] pred_masks: [batch, proposals, height, width, num_parts]

before gather the masks I have: y_true = tf.gather(target_masks, positive_ix) [positive_ix, height, width, num_parts] y_pred = tf.gather(pred_masks, positive_ix) [positive_ix, height, width, num_parts]

I have probed this configuration but did not get results

loss = K.switch(tf.size(y_true) > 0, K.categorical_crossentropy(target=y_true, output=y_pred), tf.constant(0.0)) loss = K.mean(loss) loss = K.reshape(loss, [1, 1])


I have to mention that I have no problems with the generation of boxes, The boxes in the next figure are produced by the neural network figure_1-1

yanxp commented 6 years ago

Have you train and evaluate on human pose estimation successfully?

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

After fixing some details, and reformulating the function loss to: pred_masks = K.reshape(pred_masks, (-1, 784, 14)) target_masks = K.reshape(target_masks, (-1, 784, 14))

Gather the masks (predicted and true) that contribute to loss y_true = tf.gather(target_masks, positive_ix) y_pred = tf.gather(pred_masks, positive_ix)

loss = [] for i in range(14): loss.append(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y_pred[:, :, i], labels=y_true[:, :, i])) loss = tf.stack(loss)

Got the following results





As you can see, the neural network does not recognize between right or left shoulder, right or left knee, etc. Maybe it's because it did not train enough, I'm not sure, someone please help me

filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

Maybe more training and also be careful with data augmentation. Flipping maybe it's not a good idea in human pose.

filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

@RodrigoGantier , which files did you change to include keypoint detection. I would like to start this approach.

BTW, are you not forgetting to include background class? If you have a softmax activation, you should include a background class. It appears that the net needs always to predict one of keypoint classes, even when it's background

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

@filipetrocadoferreira first of all, sorry for responding so late (I was somewhat busy with college assignments), second you're right "Flipping it's not a good idea" , now the neural network works better, now I'm working on the background issue, eliminating the instances that do not include a reference (miss key point), in this week I will try to finish the code, as sun I have some result I will upload some screen shots over here, then I will order the code and include all the comments to publish it

filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

That would be helpful. I'm stuck in the loss function. But I'm planning next week to develop this. I hope we can share some opinions

QtSignalProcessing commented 6 years ago

Hi @filipetrocadoferreira, I am also developing the mask rcnn for human pose estimation, but there are some bugs. If you want, I can share my code with you so that we can debug together.

The following is the code of mask loss function and the tensor shape is the same as @RodrigoGantier 's configuration.

`target_class_ids = K.reshape(target_class_ids, (-1,)) positive_ix = tf.where(target_class_ids > 0)[:, 0]

target_masks = K.reshape(target_masks, (mask_shape[0] * mask_shape[1], mask_shape[2] * mask_shape[3], mask_shape[4]))
pred_masks = K.reshape(pred_masks, (pred_shape[0] * pred_shape[1], pred_shape[2] * pred_shape[3], pred_shape[4]))

y_true = tf.gather(target_masks, positive_ix)
y_pred = tf.gather(pred_masks, positive_ix)

#y_true = target_masks
#y_pred = pred_masks
loss = []


Without tf.gather(), all following loss functions work, but the detection results are really poor.

With tf.gather(), only the first one(with K.switch) works,

but occasionally the program crashed due to missing key points

(I guess, but I am not sure whether the problem is caused by label or prediction ),

one can continue training by loading the last stored weights.

My program focuses on 12 key points (without key points on the face)

############################# for ii in range(0,12): loss.append(K.switch(tf.size(y_true) > 0, K.categorical_crossentropy(target=y_true[:,:,ii], output=y_pred[:,:,ii]), tf.constant(0.0)))

loss.append(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y_pred[:, :, ii], labels=y_true[:, :, ii]))

  # loss.append(K.categorical_crossentropy(target=y_true[:,:,ii], output=y_pred[:,:,ii]))
loss = tf.stack(loss)`
RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

@QtSignalProcessing my main problem is the same, the missing key points labels, since there are photographs which do not have all the points, these labels (vectors of 28 x 28 with only zeros) turn the loss function into zero " loss = - (mean (y_label * log (y_predict )) ", the result in my opinion is: the neural network facing the not visible point or nonexistent point, looks for the closest or more alike point, proving the bad results. the point is: how to represent the lost points (inside of the labels), in order to train the neural network with appropriate inputs (one hot encode)

-My Actual loss function 'with this I solve the crass problem, in my case' target_class_ids = K.reshape(target_class_ids, (-1,)) positive_ix = tf.where(target_class_ids > 0)[:, 0]

target_masks = K.reshape(target_masks, (-1, 784, 14)) pred_masks = K.reshape(pred_masks, (-1, 784, 14))

y_true = tf.gather(target_masks, positive_ix) y_pred = tf.gather(pred_masks, positive_ix)

loss = K.switch(tf.size(y_true) > 0, tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y_pred, labels=y_true, dim=1), tf.constant(0.0)) loss = K.mean(loss)

P.S: I've already tried the loss function with the Euclidean distance, which gives the worst results

filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

I have a doubt. If target_maks have the shape of target_masks: [batch, num_rois, height, width,n_keypoints]. and pred_masks: [batch, proposals, height, width, n_keypoints]

if num_rois != proposals how can we make gather with the positive_ix for the both tensor?

QtSignalProcessing commented 6 years ago

HI @RodrigoGantier , in my mask loss function, I add additional operations to get only non-zero labels:

`pred = [] target = [] for ii in range(0,12):

    l_sh_t = K.reshape(y_true[:,:,ii], (-1,))
    pos_lsh_ix = tf.where(l_sh_t > 0)[:,0]
    l_sh_t = tf.gather(l_sh_t, pos_lsh_ix)

    l_sh_p = K.reshape(y_pred[:,:,ii], (-1,))
    l_sh_p = tf.gather(l_sh_p, pos_lsh_ix)

I am waiting for the results and I will update my progress as soon as possible.

QtSignalProcessing commented 6 years ago

Hi @filipetrocadoferreira , num_rois should equal to proposals, according to this implementation. You can check PyramidROIAlign and DetectionTargetLayer.

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

@QtSignalProcessing Assuming, y_pred = [positive rois, 728,12] and y_pred is in one-hot incode format, I think pos_lsh_ix = tf.where (l_sh_t> 0) [:, 0] is not correct because u just erase the other zeros in the onehot vector. I suppose what you intend do not to take into account the labels that contain zero, leaving with a form of y_pred = [positive rois, 728.10] if two key points are missing for example,

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

@filipetrocadoferreira In my understanding, for training of the neural network, first are selected the positive propolsals, then is filled(padding) the final tensor with proposals negative and zeros to reach the maxim number of propolsals configured in the config function, positive_ix contains the index of positive propolsals, so for in training stage are selected only the positive propolsals (for inference stage in the case of y_pred were sectioned the propolsas with bigest probability that usually correspond to the positive index)

filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

This is my trial to address the problem of empty keypoints

# Reshape for simplicity. Merge first two dimensions into one.
    target_class_ids = K.reshape(target_class_ids, (-1,))
    target_masks = K.reshape(target_masks, (-1, 784,17))
    pred_masks = K.reshape(pred_masks, (-1, 784, 17))

    positive_ix = tf.where(target_class_ids > 0)[:, 0]
    y_true = tf.gather(target_masks, positive_ix)
    y_pred = tf.gather(pred_masks, positive_ix)

    y_true = tf.transpose(y_true, perm=[0, 2, 1])
    y_pred = tf.transpose(y_pred, perm=[0, 2, 1])

    y_true = K.reshape(y_true, (-1, 784))
    y_pred = K.reshape(y_pred, (-1, 784))

    y_true_sum = tf.reduce_sum(y_true, axis=-1)

    good_ids = tf.where(y_true_sum > 0)[:, 0]

    y_true = tf.gather(y_true, good_ids)
    y_pred = tf.gather(y_pred, good_ids)

    loss = K.switch(tf.size(y_true) > 0,
    loss = K.mean(loss)

    return loss
filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

I'm not being able to converge the mask loss.

def detection_targets_graph(proposals, gt_boxes, gt_masks, config):
    """Generates detection targets for one image. Subsamples proposals and
    generates target class IDs, bounding box deltas, and masks for each.

    proposals: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in normalized coordinates. Might
               be zero padded if there are not enough proposals.
    gt_boxes: [MAX_GT_INSTANCES, (y1, x1, y2, x2, class_id)] in
              normalized coordinates.
    gt_masks: [height, width,17, MAX_GT_INSTANCES] of boolean type.

    Returns: Target ROIs and corresponding class IDs, bounding box shifts,
    and masks.
    rois: [TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in normalized coordinates
    class_ids: [TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE]. Integer class IDs. Zero padded.
    deltas: [TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, NUM_CLASSES, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))]
            Class-specific bbox refinments.
    masks: [TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, height, width,17). Masks cropped to bbox
           boundaries and resized to neural network output size.

    Note: Returned arrays might be zero padded if not enough target ROIs.
    # Assertions
    asserts = [
        tf.Assert(tf.greater(tf.shape(proposals)[0], 0), [proposals],
    with tf.control_dependencies(asserts):
        proposals = tf.identity(proposals)

    # Remove proposals zero padding
    non_zeros = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(proposals), axis=1), tf.bool)
    proposals = tf.boolean_mask(proposals, non_zeros)

    # TODO: Remove zero padding from gt_boxes and gt_masks

    # Compute overlaps matrix [rpn_rois, gt_boxes]
    # 1. Tile GT boxes and repeate ROIs tensor. This
    # allows us to compare every ROI against every GT box without loops.
    # TF doesn't have an equivalent to np.repeate() so simulate it
    # using tf.tile() and tf.reshape.
    rois = tf.reshape(tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(proposals, 1), 
                              [1, 1, tf.shape(gt_boxes)[0]]), [-1, 4])
    boxes = tf.tile(gt_boxes, [tf.shape(proposals)[0], 1])
    # 2. Compute intersections
    roi_y1, roi_x1, roi_y2, roi_x2 = tf.split(rois, 4, axis=1)
    box_y1, box_x1, box_y2, box_x2, class_ids = tf.split(boxes, 5, axis=1)
    y1 = tf.maximum(roi_y1, box_y1)
    x1 = tf.maximum(roi_x1, box_x1)
    y2 = tf.minimum(roi_y2, box_y2)
    x2 = tf.minimum(roi_x2, box_x2)
    intersection = tf.maximum(x2 - x1, 0) * tf.maximum(y2 - y1, 0)
    # 3. Compute unions
    roi_area = (roi_y2 - roi_y1) * (roi_x2 - roi_x1)
    box_area = (box_y2 - box_y1) * (box_x2 - box_x1)
    union = roi_area + box_area - intersection
    # 4. Compute IoU and reshape to [rois, boxes]
    iou = intersection / union
    overlaps = tf.reshape(iou, [tf.shape(proposals)[0], tf.shape(gt_boxes)[0]])

    # Determine postive and negative ROIs
    roi_iou_max = tf.reduce_max(overlaps, axis=1)
    # 1. Positive ROIs are those with >= 0.5 IoU with a GT box
    positive_roi_bool = (roi_iou_max >= 0.5)
    positive_indices = tf.where(positive_roi_bool)[:, 0]
    # 2. Negative ROIs are those with < 0.5 with every GT box
    negative_indices = tf.where(roi_iou_max < 0.5)[:, 0]

    # Subsample ROIs. Aim for 33% positive
    # Positive ROIs
    positive_count = int(config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE * config.ROI_POSITIVE_RATIO)
    positive_indices = tf.random_shuffle(positive_indices)[:positive_count]
    # Negative ROIs. Fill the rest of the batch.
    negative_count = config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE - tf.shape(positive_indices)[0]
    negative_indices = tf.random_shuffle(negative_indices)[:negative_count]
    # Gather selected ROIs
    positive_rois = tf.gather(proposals, positive_indices)
    negative_rois = tf.gather(proposals, negative_indices)

    # Assign positive ROIs to GT boxes.
    positive_overlaps = tf.gather(overlaps, positive_indices)
    roi_gt_box_assignment = tf.argmax(positive_overlaps, axis=1)
    roi_gt_boxes = tf.gather(gt_boxes, roi_gt_box_assignment)

    # Compute bbox refinement for positive ROIs
    deltas = utils.box_refinement_graph(positive_rois, roi_gt_boxes[:,:4])
    deltas /= config.BBOX_STD_DEV

    # Assign positive ROIs to GT masks
    # Permute masks to [N, height, width, 17]
    transposed_masks = tf.transpose(gt_masks, [3, 0, 1,2])

    # Pick the right mask for each ROI
    roi_masks = tf.gather(transposed_masks, roi_gt_box_assignment)

    # Compute mask targets
    boxes = positive_rois
    if config.USE_MINI_MASK:
        # Transform ROI corrdinates from normalized image space
        # to normalized mini-mask space.
        y1, x1, y2, x2 = tf.split(positive_rois, 4, axis=1)
        gt_y1, gt_x1, gt_y2, gt_x2, _ = tf.split(roi_gt_boxes, 5, axis=1)
        gt_h = gt_y2 - gt_y1
        gt_w = gt_x2 - gt_x1
        y1 = (y1 - gt_y1) / gt_h
        x1 = (x1 - gt_x1) / gt_w
        y2 = (y2 - gt_y1) / gt_h
        x2 = (x2 - gt_x1) / gt_w
        boxes = tf.concat([y1, x1, y2, x2], 1)
    box_ids = tf.range(0, tf.shape(roi_masks)[0])
    masks = tf.image.crop_and_resize(tf.cast(roi_masks, tf.float32), boxes,

    masks = tf.round(masks)

    # Append negative ROIs and pad bbox deltas and masks that
    # are not used for negative ROIs with zeros.
    rois = tf.concat([positive_rois, negative_rois], axis=0)
    N = tf.shape(negative_rois)[0]
    P = tf.maximum(config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE - tf.shape(rois)[0], 0)
    rois = tf.pad(rois, [(0, P), (0, 0)])
    roi_gt_boxes = tf.pad(roi_gt_boxes, [(0, N+P), (0, 0)])
    deltas = tf.pad(deltas, [(0, N + P), (0, 0)])
    masks = tf.pad(masks, [[0, N + P], (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)])

    return rois, roi_gt_boxes[:, 4], deltas, masks
racinmat commented 6 years ago

@QtSignalProcessing @RodrigoGantier @filipetrocadoferreira since you are trying to implement the human pose estimation, do you plan to opensource your code? I think it would be very helpful if there were some open implementations. In next months, I would probably want to implement that, too, and I think it would be more productive to trying to solve this issue together together rather than everyone implementing its own version.

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

sorry for the delay again but I could not resolve the problem of "missing key points labels" in a good way, what I did is use the mini_masks and when the tensor does not contain the corresponding keypoint, when performing the reduction of the mask (size 28 X 28) a one is assigned in the position = 0, 0. In addition, I implement a new branch, which performs a classification of three classes, 0 = not present, 1 = covered, 2 = visible, using this branch I eliminated the non-present points in the inference stage. my code is somewhat messy and continues with the original comments, something difficult to understand for those who do not know the code, but if you all do not care, I'll publish it as a fork

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

these are my results, I think they are not wrong but you do not reach the level of the original paper, I still do not make the error metric screenshot from 2017-12-27 14-31-12 screenshot from 2017-12-27 14-45-17 screenshot from 2017-12-27 14-46-05

filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

Nice work @RodrigoGantier ! In the paper they use a mask of (56x56) to obtain better results. It would be amazing if you post the fork! It would be a good enough baseline to start implementation. I couldn't get any results

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

@filipetrocadoferreira I tried to use a 56 X 56 mask, but my memory on my graphics card is not enough to perform the function of cross entropy, in a few words I run out of memory.

filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

Another question, how are your training times? I really don't have any sense. I was training my for 1 week (batch size = 1) without any results.

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

@filipetrocadoferreira also because memory, I just train with a batch size = 1

filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

For how long did you train?

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

@filipetrocadoferreira no so much, I used the original pre-trained weighs, and trained the model just whit 1000 000 pictures around

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago this link has the raw code, I’m editing yet, but if you all want to take a look will be fine

filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

I saw that you are using sigmoid, maybe you should use softmax in the axis of pixel map (not the last one)

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

@filipetrocadoferreira is the following function? x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(14, (1, 1), strides=1, activation="sigmoid"), name="mrcnn_mask")(x)

The sigmoid is the activation function, the last one is softmax apply in "mrcnn_mask_loss_graph"(softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits), in my understanding softmax is use only in the last stage, for classification, but I'll try

filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

I think the most correct thing is to apply the activation in the definition of the keypoint branch. If you apply in the loss you have to be careful to apply during inference as well

But be aware to not apply softmax to last channel as default.

RodrigoGantier commented 6 years ago

@filipetrocadoferreira did u test the code? (also has weight file uploaded), I think it needs more training

filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

I didn't, maybe later this week

filipetrocadoferreira commented 6 years ago

In the current implementation (i've updated to use coco keypoints) it stucks on the softmax error because of empty keypoints i guess.

QtSignalProcessing commented 6 years ago

Hi all, this is my key point loss function and it provides acceptable results. `target_class_ids = K.reshape(target_class_ids, (-1,)) positive_ix = tf.where(target_class_ids > 0)[:, 0] target_masks = K.reshape(target_masks, (-1, 56 56, 12)) pred_masks = K.reshape(pred_masks, (-1, 56 56, 12))

y_true = tf.gather(target_masks, positive_ix)
y_pred = tf.gather(pred_masks, positive_ix)
loss = []
for ii in range(0, 12):
    logits = y_pred[:,:,ii]
    eps = tf.constant(value=1e-4)
    labels = tf.to_float(y_true[:,:,ii])
    softmax = tf.nn.softmax(logits) + eps
    cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(
        labels * tf.log(softmax), reduction_indices=[1])
    cross_entropy_mean = K.switch(tf.size(labels) > 0, tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy),
loss = tf.stack(loss)
loss = K.mean(loss)`
Superlee506 commented 6 years ago

@RodrigoGantier @QtSignalProcessing Do you know why we need to reshape the mask_loss with shape [1,1]? I think a Scalar result is ok.

QtSignalProcessing commented 6 years ago

@Superlee506 I am not sure about it, but I guess without reshaping, the loss is of shape: [...[ some value ]...]

Superlee506 commented 6 years ago

@rujiao @RodrigoGantier @waleedka the ground truth keypoint mask is only 1 point set to 1 but after crop, resize, round it may have more than 1 point set to 1, So can we still use the binary cross entropy loss for keypoint detection? For inference, we just choose the largest value as our final result.

Superlee506 commented 6 years ago

@QtSignalProcessing How do you deal with multiple 1 in the ground truth keypoint when masks are croped and resized?

QtSignalProcessing commented 6 years ago

@Superlee506 If your label tensor is of shape [batch, width, height, num_keypoint], no matter how you crop and/or resize it, your label tensor will not have more than one 1 as foreground. Since each instance in the image corresponds to a specific label tensor, and the key point masks are in different dimensions of the tensor.

The problem I met is the empty tensor, i.e., no 1 in the label tensor after cropping, this is why I re-write the cross-entropy loss function.

Superlee506 commented 6 years ago

@QtSignalProcessing Thanks for your reply. As in #L570-L578, I think even the mask just have one 1 value, after the function "tf.image.crop_and_resize" and "tf.round()", it will have more than one 1 value. Is it right?