mattetti / LiveTV

Simple OS X application allowing you to watch some live free TV channels (French, English, Italian).
MIT License
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Pxsourceview #8

Closed seanlilmateus closed 12 years ago

seanlilmateus commented 12 years ago

Hi Matteti, I just made some improvement for the NSOutlineView and the spinner; take a look

mattetti commented 12 years ago

Looks awesome, thanks, I'm currently on vacation with intermittent access to internet so I will check all that in a week or so.

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 2:10 AM, Mateus <> wrote:

Hi Matteti, I just made some improvement for the NSOutlineView and the spinner; take a look

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-- Commit Summary --

  • add extern framework PXSourceList, this is an improvement to the NSOutlineview
  • almost fixed the spinner position! :-) on the start of the App we need to select the item with the last_channel!
  • added NSSplitterView delegate method, so the splitter view no longer can cover/close all the movie view

-- File Changes --

A Frameworks/PXSourceList.framework/Headers/PXSourceList.h (40) A Frameworks/PXSourceList.framework/Headers/PXSourceListDataSource.h (41) A Frameworks/PXSourceList.framework/Headers/PXSourceListDelegate.h (63) A Frameworks/PXSourceList.framework/PXSourceList (0) A Frameworks/PXSourceList.framework/Resources/BridgeSupport/PXSourceList.bridgesupport (101) A Frameworks/PXSourceList.framework/Resources/Info.plist (46) A Frameworks/PXSourceList.framework/Versions/A/Headers/PXSourceList.h (40) A Frameworks/PXSourceList.framework/Versions/A/Headers/PXSourceListDataSource.h (41) A Frameworks/PXSourceList.framework/Versions/A/Headers/PXSourceListDelegate.h (63) A Frameworks/PXSourceList.framework/Versions/A/PXSourceList (0) A Frameworks/PXSourceList.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Info.plist (46) M LiveTV.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj (21) M TVFrancaise/AppDelegate.rb (105) M TVFrancaise/en.lproj/MainMenu.xib (107)

-- Patch Links --

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seanlilmateus commented 12 years ago

Have a nice vacation, I'm also ready for a holiday but I'll have to wait until thursday; have a nice time! LiveTV can wait ;-)