mattfidler / tabbar-ruler.el

Tabbar Ruler Mode
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feature request map *mouse-menu-buffer* #51

Closed rhoit closed 6 years ago

rhoit commented 6 years ago

will it be possible to map the



to tabbar-default-button may be with Control


mattfidler commented 6 years ago

Yes it is possible. The mouse is simply a keymap in emacs.

mattfidler commented 6 years ago
(global-set-key (kbd "<C-down-mouse-1>") 'tabbar-context-menu) 
rhoit commented 6 years ago

thanks, I dunno what I was thinking yesterday, I could have tried M-x global-set-key set keys and find the respective thing with C-h k


     (define-key global-map (kbd "<header-line> <down-mouse-1>") 'mouse-buffer-menu)

finally working!, sorry the trouble.


mattfidler commented 6 years ago

No Problem.