mattfysh / testr.js

Unit testing require.js modules, with both stubbed and script-loaded dependencies. Compatible with all test frameworks - Jasmine, QUnit, JsTestDriver, Buster JS, etc.
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testr does not work with karma-requirejs an karma-jasmine #22

Open vance opened 10 years ago

vance commented 10 years ago

I'm acutally not 100% sure its related to Karma, but our tests work fine with just jasmine in the browsers. However, when combined with Karma-Jasmine adapter, testr always fails.

To stay DRY, here is the SO post I created to hopefully find a solution:

vance commented 10 years ago

I confirm, switching back and forth between 1.3.2 and 1.0.2, testr failes in combination with Backbone using Karma runner. Unfortunately, this fallback then breaks the text plugin for requirejs.