mattgallagher / AudioStreamer

A streaming audio player class (AudioStreamer) for Mac OS X and iPhone.
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Changing the mp3 file in the background #21

Open pramodGrit opened 13 years ago

pramodGrit commented 13 years ago

hi .. I have an application wich uses the streamer to play some set of mp3 fiels one after the another.I have updated this application to IOS4 then I have done with all the changes required [plist remote controll,playback],but when the i keep the application in the background and when the current mp3 file completes playing the application does not responds to any off the actions I have written. I have tried keeping logs in the streamer even it stops printing the logs on the console when the streamer state reaches AS_STOPPED by the EOF error...can any one sujjest me what can I do to work out my program.plz...

sebsto commented 13 years ago

There were a couple of bugs wrt handling meta data changes while in background. I setup the changes in my own repository

Have a look and try if this solves your issue

pramodGrit commented 13 years ago

thanx really for that...I have updated my code with ur latest one. I am also facing the problem with variable reading speed can we have solution using the audio-streamer to get variable reading speed.Thanx in advance.

saturngod commented 10 years ago

Hi @sebsto ,

Did you delete AudioStreamer ? I am finding a way to get meta data .

sebsto commented 10 years ago

Hello, Yes I deleted my repository - this was years ago - I am not involved in this type of project anymore. I certainly have a backup somewhere at home but not online on my laptop. @pramodgrit integrated my code as well - maybe he has a copy. sorry for the inconvenience.