mattgallagher / AudioStreamer

A streaming audio player class (AudioStreamer) for Mac OS X and iPhone.
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AudioQueueStart broken on Lion #37

Open figelwump opened 13 years ago

figelwump commented 13 years ago

I'm using AudioStreamer in a project and things are working great in 10.6.*. However, it's completely broken in Lion. Here's what I see when I try to stream an mp3:

Aug 19 08:40:12 Js-Lion: Prime failed (-66680); will stop (66150/0 frames)
Aug 19 08:40:12 Js-Lion: failWithErrorCode: 13
Aug 19 08:40:12 Js-Lion: Audio queue start failed. err: ˇ˛˚à -66680

So the AudioQueueStart() call is failing and AudioStreamer is sending out error code AS_AUDIO_QUEUE_START_FAILED.

I don't know how to interpret the error messages. Anyone have any insight or ideas on how to debug this?

adeiki commented 11 years ago

There is probably a hardware issue if you get that. You usually cannot play anything then, so it's most likely NOT in your code. Happened to me when testing on iPhone 4S that had hung playing earlier, also googled similar issues on desktops.

debugly commented 8 years ago

I also met this problem in simulator,It puzzled me for a long time; then I select another model work well!You can try to restart your mac. Good luck!