mattgallagher / AudioStreamer

A streaming audio player class (AudioStreamer) for Mac OS X and iPhone.
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Malformed URL caused crash #66

Open marcwickens opened 11 years ago

marcwickens commented 11 years ago

This could be classed as user error, however the error I get back didn't point me towards the problem, which kind of sent me round in circles for a bit.

I sent in an invalid URL (http:/ - notice the missing '/' after 'http:' ). This resulted in a crash and the error '“message sent to deallocated instance' coming from line 837 in AudioStreamer.m (CFReadStreamClose(stream);)

Again you could argue it's not the job of this class to verify such things, however if I think an error should be raised instead of crash. Thought I'd raise it here anyway. Will have a dig through to see if I can understand what is happening.