mattgemmell / MGTwitterEngine

Objective-C Twitter integration library for Mac OS X and iPhone. Official repository.
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Add support for Twitter lists #3

Open stevestreza opened 14 years ago

stevestreza commented 14 years ago

Twitter's list API lets you view and edit list details and members. The feature should be added as APIs to MGTwitterEngine.

btjones commented 14 years ago

Is anyone working on this in a fork somewhere? This would definitely be a nice 1.1 feature though I realize it's not a necessity like oauth is.

catsby commented 14 years ago

I started a branch in my fork for this with the first simple get method

TonnyXu commented 14 years ago

Our team is also working on list APIs within our local clone. Currently we processed almost 50% of the list APIs, after we finished the coding and testing, we will submit a patch.

By the way, our team is named genesix, and is located in Tokyo.

catsby commented 14 years ago

@Tarasis has also worked on list support. His fork is here( ). I believe he has it all covered

flovilmart commented 13 years ago

I fully implemented lists as well(subscribers, members... all methods from API are implemented and fully odnctionnal) I did the same with saved searches

flovilmart commented 13 years ago

Hey check the vfloz branch here! Full support on lists/ members/subscribers as well as the streaming engine!! Easy to use : set the delegate and a list of user ID, for each response, the delegate will give you the update!