mattgoldspink / grunt-sencha-dependencies

Grunt task to get the list of Ext.require dependencies in your application
MIT License
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Add support to ensure files hosted remotely overt http (e.g CDN) are picked up too #2

Closed mattgoldspink closed 11 years ago

mattgoldspink commented 11 years ago

Sometimes as CDN is used for hosting components, for now we should add therm tho this list. Its up to the concat step to decide if it wants to use it

mattgoldspink commented 11 years ago

Technically this works, but the issue is whether other subsequent tasks can handle them (e.g. can concat task handle a url in the file matching?)

My thoughts are that perhaps we should leave it to users to write a subsequent task to post process the output and download any http urls themselves. The reason for this is that I don't think the use case is all that common.

For the one company I know with an internal CDN for which I'd done a similar task in house for them, I know the CDN is mapped to networked file system and so a simple task which looks for the urls which match the pattern of that CDN's file system could easily be converted to the file location on disk (this is what the custom task I wrote for them did).

With this in mind I'm going to close out this issue and await for more use cases to arise.