mattgoldspink / grunt-sencha-dependencies

Grunt task to get the list of Ext.require dependencies in your application
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BufferedRenderer strange behavior #35

Open yetit opened 10 years ago

yetit commented 10 years ago

When require Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer in app.js it appears in sencha dependencies list, but in built application with app.min.js i see "cannot find http://localhost/src/grid/plugin/BufferedRenderer.js" and two others js required files - Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRendererTableView Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRendererTreeView

Meanwhile in app.min.js i see declaration of BufferedRenderer (Ext.define)

How is it possible?

Thanks, Dmitry.

mattgoldspink commented 10 years ago

Hi @yetit - Could you post an example of how you're depending/including on the BufferedRenderer in your view file?

yetit commented 10 years ago

First time it looks like:

Ext.require([ '', 'Ext.util.', 'Ext.grid.', 'Ext.tree.', 'Ext.resizer.', 'Ext.layout.', 'Ext.form.', 'Ext.chart.' ]);

And 'Ext.grid.*' includes all plugins, BufferedRenderer too. Now I customise require instruction for grid classes:


this solution is local, because I don't use BufferedRenderer in this project.