mattgoldspink / grunt-sencha-dependencies

Grunt task to get the list of Ext.require dependencies in your application
MIT License
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ExtJS 5 problem #36

Open shinder opened 9 years ago

shinder commented 9 years ago

Hi there,

We use sencha-dependencies on our ExtJS 4 projects, and it works fine. However, I tried it on a simple project of ExtJS 5, the console of browser complained "undefined is not a function".

Does anyone try sencha-dependencies on ExtJS 5 projects ? Any thoughts?


manniche commented 9 years ago

Do you have a stacktrace from the browser, or some way to tell where the exception arises from?

A wild, preliminary guess would be that the ordering of dependencies are messed up in some way. But it's hard to tell without more information to go from...

shinder commented 9 years ago

I use sencha CMD to generate a default ExtJS 5 (5.0.1) project, modify app.js and the html file. I can run index_app.html in a web server. When I use sencha_dependencies, I usually get an error. the project zip file:


shinder commented 9 years ago

In my another ExtJS 3 project testing using casperJS: The error is caused by that ExtJS mistakes phantomJS for Safari, The "Ext.isSafari" value is true. Changing the userAgent name of phantomJS can avoid the error.

I think that should be the problem.