mattgu74 / OpaCms

Create a little website, easily editable...
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Parse error while building project #5

Open sagarjs opened 10 years ago

sagarjs commented 10 years ago


I uploaded the project zip on my server and unzipped. Then i went to the project folder and ran following command:


Here is the error i got:

Parse error The error may be in the following citation, usually in the red part (starting at ⚐) or just before:


Editor = {{ base_url = Resource.base_url?""

l⚐oad =

@client init()= ((%% editor.init %%)())

Hint: expected a returned expression at the end of the block, but found a binding. Did you mean ==' rather than=' ?

mattgu74 commented 10 years ago


As you can see, I haven't change anything in this project for more than 2 years.

OPA had evolved a lot during this period, and the syntax has changed. Hopefully an option is available in the compiler to parse the old one.

I am going to watch, If I can patch it easily, stay tuned.

mattgu74 commented 10 years ago

Hum seems there is problem with the javascript plugins (for tinyMCE), 2 years back, OPA was not validating as well as today the js code. Then it seems that some errors are catched today that weren't before...

I don't have enough time, to patch all the application, but if you want to try, you firstly have to pass the option --parser classic to the compiler (opa) (as the syntax of my .opa files use the old one and not the new one which is "js like style"

sagarjs commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the quick response!

Actually i am very new to Opa. Would I have to place this folder in apache document root?

mattgu74 commented 10 years ago

You doesn't have to care of apache or nginx, when you compile an opa code, you generate a binary file (hum in fact it was at opa starts, now it generates js code, that runs with node.js) But anyway, you generate a project that is a whole thing, when you launch the apps, it is all (server/database/client).

But I don't know, if it's a good idea to continue your experimentation of OPA, there is no new release since april 2013 and the project seams dead on github.

It was a really interesting new language, but it didn't manage to get the critical number of users. If you search something similar, I had found meteorjs (, it seams always active)