matth-x / MicroOcppSimulator

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Connection Error When Using MicroOcppSimulator with SteVe via WebSocket #20

Open lwollinger opened 1 month ago

lwollinger commented 1 month ago

I'm trying to connect microOcpp with Steve and I had some problems to work. i didn't use the 'docker' to build the STEVE, it was the 'Configuration and Installation'

The Monitor

d51 3 mongoose.c:3440:mg_connect 1 -1 ws:// d57 3 mongoose.c:4323:mg_connect_resolv 1 0x36 -> 7f000001:8080 pend [MO] ERROR (FilesystemUtils.cpp:68): Error deserializing file /mo_store/ocpp-config.jsn: EmptyInput [MO] ERROR (ConfigurationContainerFlash.cpp:70): failed to load /mo_store/ocpp-config.jsn [MO] info (MicroOcpp.cpp:349): initialized MicroOcpp v1.1.0 e5a 1 mongoose.c:404:mg_error 1 0x36 socket error e5c 1 MicroOcppMongooseClient.cpp:462:w 0x36 socket error [MO] info (MicroOcppMongooseClient.cpp:492): connection ws:// -- error [MO] info (MicroOcppMongooseClient.cpp:492): connection ws:// -- closed e76 3 mongoose.c:3417:mg_close_conn 1 0x36 closed 3461 3 mongoose.c:3440:mg_connect 2 -1 ws:// 3467 3 mongoose.c:4323:mg_connect_resol 2 0x36 -> 7f000001:8080 pend 346b 1 mongoose.c:404:mg_error 2 0x36 socket error 346e 1 MicroOcppMongooseClient.cpp:462: 0x36 socket error

matth-x commented 1 month ago

Hi, can you can reach the SteVe server in general? E.g. by running something like wget

Also, SteVe rejects chargers until their chargeBoxId has been added over the management portal which could also explain the failure to connect.

lwollinger commented 1 month ago

I think i know the problem. I'm having a problem with my ESP32, on menuconfig i'm changing the wifi param, and the OCPP backend and the chargeboxID but when i see the connection at the monitor, there said that i'm trying to connect with a older config. see... Captura de tela de 2024-05-14 18-31-17 Captura de tela de 2024-05-14 18-32-00

lwollinger commented 1 month ago

Solved!!! The problem was that my ESP32 wasn't updating when I flashed it, it always took the old settings that I had set the first time I ran it. How to solve? reset the flash memory with ' erase_flash', and then build and flash normally