matthamptonasic / Iocaine

Iocaine2 Tool for FFXI
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Wardrobe 2 is not seen by the fisher #6

Closed matthamptonasic closed 8 years ago

matthamptonasic commented 8 years ago

The Wardrobe 2 is not supported in the fisher. Rods/bait there are not seen.

matthamptonasic commented 8 years ago

Seems to be fixed with release: Haven't tried equipping new bait or rod yet. Will reopen if it fails.

matthamptonasic commented 8 years ago

Valstar wrote:

So it looks like it's having trouble with multiple POL processes. Whichever one it hooks first, it works fine, but if you try to switch it to say, a mule for fishing, it drops every catch and reports "ERROR" as what's on the line. Is this intended or borked? :)

matthamptonasic commented 8 years ago

Hammy025 wrote:

I can't seem to reproduce it so I'll need a little more from you. Here's what I did:

  1. Opened Iocaine and it locked to character 1.
  2. Switched it to character 2 from the Process box.
  3. Character 2 showed up fine, all the fish in the box were correct.
  4. Zoned. New fish showed up fine. Tried to fish and it caught multiple fish without problems.
  5. Closed Iocaine and started over. Did the same thing, but without zoning. Everything still worked fine.

First question I should have led with:

  1. Is your rod or lure in Wardrobe 3 or 4? I still haven't added those yet.
  2. When you switch processes, does anything load correctly? a. The stats box b. The zone c. The catch box d. The rod/bait
  3. Is it reproducible?
  4. Does the green "online" light ever change to offline?
  5. Any log errors? When you get a log error, there should be a red light on the right side of the status box that shows up.

Valstar wrote:

Hmm, interesting.

Did you have both characters logged in before launching IOcaine?

I routinely log in one with no other POL process running, start IOcaine, and log in 2nd, but this has never been an issue before.

I'll do some more thorough testing tonight/tomorrow and get back to you.

Also, could running 2 IOcaine processes with 2 accounts on the same machine be an issue? Again, never had an issue in the past. Not sure if that is intended or not.

Hammy025 wrote:

Should be fine, but I changed the init sequence a little bit a few days back. I start with 2 accounts, both logged in, then open Iocaine. It's possible that starting with one, then adding a second could be problematic, but I'd still start with the same questions as before. You should be able to run as many separate instances of POL and Iocaine as you like.

Valstar wrote:

Ok, so I am able to replicate this. Here are the answers to your questions

  1. Rod / Bait is in inventory / mog wardrobe 1 as I haven't bothered changing that setup since your latest patch
  2. when switching processes, it does appear to change & load correctly (everything)
  3. reproduced again just now after closing everything out and launching POL x 2 and IOcaine x2
  4. Both instances of IOcaine say online, haven't noticed them going offline
  5. haven't noticed the red light indicating log error

Other things that may be of note: I am running the 2 instances of IOcaine from separate folders as this allow me to keep settings consistent for a particular character. I did get the update from yesterday and this all worked without any issue. Today, updated again, and now I am witnessing this.

It does appear that zoning with account #2 after selecting the process in IOcaine resolves this issue.

Also, if I wait until IOcaine #1 is attached to POL #1, I can then launch POL #2 and log in, then launch IOcaine #2 and it works perfectly fine.

Sorry this isn't the most coherent thing... tired :O If I can assist in any way, let me know, I'll check back after work tomorrow. Cheers!

Valstar wrote:

So today, logging in 2 accounts, load up IOcaine, it hooks account 1, fishes fine. I switch it to account 2, and I witness the consistent error mentioned before.

Unequipping rod then re-equipping it seems to also resolve the issue when switching processes.

As for exact time, this has been SOP for me for a while now. Haven't noticed any issues with my setup until this 2 most recent updates. These 2 most recent updates.. can you tell me what time you posted them? I know I was fishing Saturday without issue, first noticed this problem yesterday evening around 6PM EST.

So today, logging in 2 accounts, load up IOcaine, it hooks account 1, fishes fine. I switch it to account > 2, and I witness the consistent error mentioned before.

Unequipping rod then re-equipping it seems to also resolve the issue when switching processes.

As for exact time, this has been SOP for me for a while now. Haven't noticed any issues with my setup until this 2 most recent updates. These 2 most recent updates.. can you tell me what time you posted them? I know I was fishing Saturday without issue, first noticed this problem yesterday evening around 6PM EST.

Hammy025 wrote:

You have 2 characters that you're switching Iocaine between. What does each of them have equipped (and where; bag, wardrobe) in the Range & Ammo slots when you switch? And what zone is each in when you switch? You said that the 2nd character's Catch box, zone, and rod all show correctly, right?

(You can skip this part, mostly just for my own process) Edit: I've been through the code a bunch of times. I know what's going wrong, but I don't know how it's getting to that point. Basically, every time you change zones or rods Iocaine fetches the Fish IDs from the server. When this happens, it checks to make sure your Range equipment is in the list of fishing rods. If it's not (or nothing is equipped), it empties the list of ID's and you'll get every fish showing as "Error". When you change selected POL's, the first thing it does is update your zone. At this point your 1st characters Range is still loaded, so if no rod was equipped, the fish IDs will be empty. Shortly after that (before any fishing happens) the Range equipped will be checked and updated. Now both the zone and rod are set to that of the 2nd character. As long as these are valid, the list of ID's should be set correctly. So somehow the rod is still showing up as not a rod and the ID's are empty.

matthamptonasic commented 8 years ago

Valstar wrote:

It appears to be fixed. I was able to change processes in the same zone, with same rod & bait equipped, without returning an Error on the line! ;) Good work as always, and thank you!

This was fixed with