When a new php::fpm::pool is created the main php::fpm::service for that version of php is not refreshed. As a result the new pool config is not picked up, and no workers are launched.
If the php::fpm::pool is set to notify the version of php::fpm::service, then a cyclic dependency for each pool occurs:
# Create a pool config file
file { "${php::config::configdir}/${version}/pool.d/${pool_name}.conf":
content => template('php/php-fpm-pool.conf.erb'),
notify => Php::Fpm::Service[$version],
Error: Could not apply complete catalog: Found 1 dependency cycle:
File[/Library/LaunchDaemons/dev.php-fpm.5.4.10.plist] =>
Php::Fpm::Service[5.4.10] =>
Php::Fpm[5.4.10] =>
Class[Php::Fpm::5-4-10] =>
Php::Fpm::Pool[jobs-service-5.4.10] =>
File[/opt/boxen/config/php/5.4.10/pool.d/jobs-service-5.4.10.conf] => Php::Fpm::Service[5.4.10] =>
I'm guessing some of the core logic will need to be changed to fix this
When a new
is created the mainphp::fpm::service
for that version of php is not refreshed. As a result the new pool config is not picked up, and no workers are launched.If the
is set to notify the version ofphp::fpm::service
, then a cyclic dependency for each pool occurs:I'm guessing some of the core logic will need to be changed to fix this