matthew-brett / delocate

Find and copy needed dynamic libraries into python wheels
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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delocate makes links that do not match the filenames of the libraries #103

Open reynoldsnlp opened 3 years ago

reynoldsnlp commented 3 years ago

Using the icu library as installed from brew install icu4c, delocate did copy the dylib files into my wheel, and adjusted the links, but it got the filenames wrong, presumably because of variation in filenames because of symlinks in the original library installation from brew. The files copied in by delocate look like this (note the 68.2 in the libicu filenames):

├── .dylibs
│   ├── libhfst.53.dylib
│   ├── libicudata.68.2.dylib
│   ├── libicui18n.68.2.dylib
│   └── libicuuc.68.2.dylib

The main so file correctly links the the underlying libhfst library...

$ otool -L
    @loader_path/.dylibs/libhfst.53.dylib (compatibility version 54.0.0, current version 54.0.0)
$ ls .dylibs/libhfst.53.dylib

...and the libhfst library has correct links...

$ otool -L .dylibs/libhfst.53.dylib
    /DLC/hfst/libhfst.53.dylib (compatibility version 54.0.0, current version 54.0.0)
    @loader_path/libicui18n.68.2.dylib (compatibility version 68.0.0, current version 68.2.0)
    @loader_path/libicuuc.68.2.dylib (compatibility version 68.0.0, current version 68.2.0)
    @loader_path/libicudata.68.2.dylib (compatibility version 68.0.0, current version 68.2.0)

...but the libicu libraries link to one another with incorrect filenames (note the 68 instead of 68.2)...

$ otool -L .dylibs/libicu*
    /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1281.100.1)
    @loader_path/libicuuc.68.dylib (compatibility version 68.0.0, current version 68.2.0)
    @loader_path/libicudata.68.dylib (compatibility version 68.0.0, current version 68.2.0)
    @loader_path/libicudata.68.dylib (compatibility version 68.0.0, current version 68.2.0)

I was able to postprocess this correctly with the following bash script, but implementing similar logic in delocate would be the ideal solution.

$ cat

# The links in the dylib files do not match the actual filenames.
# This script automatically renames the links using `install_name_tool`.

set -x


pushd ${wheel_dir}

unzip -d tmp/ ${wheel_fname}
cd tmp/hfst/.dylibs/
for each_dylib in libhfst*.dylib libicu*.dylib; do
    for link in $(otool -L ${each_dylib} | tail -n +2 | grep libicu | sed "s/(.*)//g" | sed "s/\s+//g"); do
        # get the actual filename
        link_fname=$(ls "$(echo ${link} | rev | cut -d "/" -f 1 | rev | cut -d "." -f 1)"*)
        new_link=$(echo ${link} | sed "s#libicu.*\.dylib#${link_fname}#g")
    sudo install_name_tool -change ${link} ${new_link} ${each_dylib}

cd ../..
# zip new wheel
zip -r ${wheel_fname} *

# overwrite the original wheel
mv ${wheel_fname} ${wheel_dir}

# go back to where we started
HexDecimal commented 2 years ago

I can you check this again with the latest version 0.9.1? The versions of delocate before 0.9.0 did not handle recursive libraries correctly.

I expect that the latest version of delocate will still use the 'real names' of the libraries but they will now link to each other correctly.