matthewbauer / nixiosk

Declarative Kiosk systems built with NixOS
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Failed to start cog with no errors #23

Open brianmay opened 1 year ago

brianmay commented 1 year ago

I created an image using the instructions for an RPI3 with touch screen. On start I get this error:

Failed to start Set this device to the CEC active source.

The nothing happens.

I believe CEC is talking about remove control support for HDMI, something that is not relevant in my case where using display directly connected to the internal display connector.

I believe this above error is coming from cec-active-source.service and the fact this fails should not be interfering with cage.

Cage is starting, running, but for some reason doesn't appear to be doing anything or logging any errors.

root@nixiosk:~]# journalctl  -u cage@tty1.service
-- Journal begins at Tue 1980-01-01 00:00:01 UTC, ends at Fri 2023-02-17 23:07:31 UTC. --
Jan 01 00:00:08 nixiosk systemd[1]: Started cage@tty1.service.
Jan 01 00:00:09 nixiosk systemd[880]: pam_unix(cage:session): session opened for user kiosk(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
-- Boot 2714dfe786e9477895e59957d4de5576 --
Feb 16 02:53:33 nixiosk systemd[1]: Started cage@tty1.service.
Feb 16 02:53:33 nixiosk systemd[850]: pam_unix(cage:session): session opened for user kiosk(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
-- Boot 236dda27c68041fdbbbd119fdb496cac --
Feb 16 02:55:33 nixiosk systemd[1]: Started cage@tty1.service.
Feb 16 02:55:34 nixiosk systemd[844]: pam_unix(cage:session): session opened for user kiosk(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
root@nixiosk:~]# ps auwx | grep cage
kiosk        844  0.0  0.7  15084  7056 tty1     Ss+  22:56   0:00 /nix/store/hj4d1ijxjwl78yvxlzv0064aln907lr2-cage-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-0.1.4/bin/cage -- /nix/store/6sb3nc0nb62kfxrxzp3clp181a2nw8ax-cog-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-0.8.1/bin/cog
root        1953  0.0  0.2   6036  1920 pts/0    S+   23:10   0:00 grep cage

[root@nixiosk:~]# ps auwx | grep cog
kiosk        844  0.0  0.7  15084  7056 tty1     Ss+  22:56   0:00 /nix/store/hj4d1ijxjwl78yvxlzv0064aln907lr2-cage-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-0.1.4/bin/cage -- /nix/store/6sb3nc0nb62kfxrxzp3clp181a2nw8ax-cog-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-0.8.1/bin/cog
root        1964  0.0  0.2   6036  2040 pts/0    S+   23:10   0:00 grep cog