matthewcheok / Realm-JSON

A concise Mantle-like way of working with Realm and JSON.
MIT License
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Outbound mapping with keypath into single key #82

Open originalsk opened 8 years ago

originalsk commented 8 years ago

Hi. Please, does Realm+JSON somehow supports outbound object mapping from RLMObject into JSON from keypath into key property?

I have object scheme such like:

@interface MyObject

@property NSString * attr1;
@property NSString * attr2;
@property MySubobject * subobject;

@interface MySubobject

@property NSString * attr3;
@property NSNumber<RLMInt> * attr4;


In one specific case I need to create JSON with structure that attr1, attr2, attr3 and attr4 would be on the same level, therefore something like:

+ (NSDictionary *)JSONOutboundMappingDictionary {
    return @{
             @"attr1" : @"attr1",
             @"attr2" : @"attr2",
             @"subobject.attr3" : @"attr3",
             @"subobject.attr4" : @"attr4"

So far it keeps crashing and I can't figure out how to achieve such effect without removing MySubobject ale moving all it's attributes into main object (or creating JSON manually from self-created NSDictionary). Is it even possible with Realm+JSON? I noticed inverse case from JSON keypath to single key in RLMObject is allowed. In advance thanks for any answer.

viktorasl commented 8 years ago

I tried achieving the same thing, so finally I have made a modification: introduced JSON preprocessing method, in which you can join your values. is the pull request for that.