matthewcpp / cpp-amalgamate

python script which will amalgamate c++ code into a single header and source file
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subdirectories #1

Open iltommi opened 8 years ago

iltommi commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to fin a tool to amalgamate a set of cpp/h files in a single one.

The project is here: The original project contains a linux binary (amalgamate) which does the job and creates a single file from the src tree.

Since I'm on a mac, I cannot run ELF binaries and I'm looking for an alternative.

When I run your script on QCustomPlot, I still get some local #include "".

Is it possible for your script to dig more deeply in the src tree and find recursively the files?

Thanks a lot

iltommi commented 8 years ago

I've probably found the line

 #todo: handle "../" in include string -- result = UP_DIRECTORY_MATCHER.findall(include)