matthewdwood82 / ETR-Slack-Data-Science-Book-Club

Continuation of ETR Slack Book Club, focused on data science topics. General comms via slack/discord; book discussion via Github Issues & Google Meet.
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Ch. 2 - is there a good "cheat sheet" reference for some of these logical maxims, etc.? #4

Open matthewdwood82 opened 1 year ago

matthewdwood82 commented 1 year ago

Lots of dense proof or logical summary information in this chapter. Would be really nice to have this in a form of something like...

Assertion: Two events are conditionally independent if given some hypothesis if the probability of both events given that hypothesis is equal to the product of those events given the hypothesis. (p17)

Rationale: The reason why this should be true. Very brief top-line axiomatic description.

VERY SIMPLE example: Some of these examples are just elaborate enough that they can become hard to track. Some diagrams to go with the set notation(s) would be nice.

jdsdog10 commented 1 year ago

Not sure I've seen this. I feel like there should be something like this. I'll keep an eye out