matthewgilbert / pdblp

pandas wrapper for Bloomberg Open API
MIT License
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Currency overrides with bdh #62

Open Vivianhe116 opened 5 years ago

Vivianhe116 commented 5 years ago

Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possible

# Your code here, this should be a minimal reproducible example, see

Problem description

[this should explain why the current behaviour is a problem and why the expected output is a better solution.]

Expected Output

Version Information

[paste the output of pdblp.__version__ here below this line]

Vivianhe116 commented 5 years ago

Hi I am trying to do the below to get historical data just in a different currency. con.bdh(['BA US Equity'],['PX_LAST'],'20150629', '20150630', ovrds = [('CRNCY','EUR')])

However, the result is still in USD. It seems it was not override. But if you do the same in BDH in excel, you could get the EUR number by "CRNCY=USD". How can I do that in pdblp?

matthewgilbert commented 5 years ago

I have deleted since it was a duplicate. The original post you made is a template which you are meant to fill out but have ignored. Please take a bit of time to research the etiquette of using github issues.